Chapter 19 Themis - Past is Present

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Quanteen moved stiffly out of the way, giving Themis enough room to see. Although the young girl had a rather bad tendency to tease, which could be irritating to say the least, Themis couldn't bare to think of seeing her hurt. Themis stared ahead into the smoke as the trees groaned impatiently. Her the smoke burnt her eyes and filled her lungs, making her want to cough and splutter. She could hear the crackling noise of fire a few metres away from her. Memories of military drills blared in her head. The crash site had sprayed pieces of metal and motor parts all through the snow drenched ground, it took her a few moments to find something she recognised. A numberplate. The same numberplate on the space bus she took to this planet. Themis grabbed Quanteen's arm and dragged her behind a tree.

"I though you were excited." She said playfully. "Now you're hiding. Star clan are so confusing."

Themis looked away, irritated, setting her mind back on task. She heard the crackling of leaves and twigs slowly approach the crash site, and even Quanteen fell silent. Themis had many years of training, but she wasn't used to the strange proportions of Damira's frame. If she mutated, and Alvis saw then her mission would be compromised. She would never be trusted with a mission like this again. But if she didn't stop these people, whoever they were, then the Albinos could be in danger. Four silhouettes drifted through the smoke making Themis freeze in place. Adrenaline surged through her blood as she felt her body shift, her sudden courage numbing the pain. Themis stretched and grew, reverting back to her true form. But her transformation didn't stop there. A pain so brutal not even adrenaline could snuff it out surged through her right arm, stretching it out into a long, golden sword.

Themis sprung forward, Quanteen following close behind with the largest stick she could find. Four Children stood in front of her, the youngest was a young girl with long black that cascaded down her back. She had bright green eyes filled with innocence that filled with tears at the sight of Themis' blade. Her small body was so thin and lacking in nutrients that her bones jutted from under her old ripped manual labour suit. An older boy grabbed the young girl from behind and pulled her into his arms, he seemed to be only a few years older than Quanteen. The boy had the unmistakable purple skin that could only belong to an Earthan. He had unkept dull blonde hair. His rich brown eyes burned with desperation and fear as he clung to the girl in his arms. Themis flicked to a tall boy standing behind them. His grey eyes started at her through the smoke, just as captivated as she seemed to be. His dull orange hair had been cut into an undercut, but his hair still drooped into his eyes. He was tall and thin. He wore the same suites as the others but his seemed to be more warn out. He had calloused fingers from years of labour, something the others lacked. Themis ripped her eyes away from the boy and turned to the final person in the group. It was an Earthan girl with short black hair that framed her face. She dropped to the ground and picked out two pear knifes from the wreckage. The girl stood up, about to spring forward when she stopped. "I know you." She said softly.

Themis stared into her cold brown eyes, filled with suffering. She recognised her.

"Who are you." Themis pushed her fear deep down in hopes that it would disappear.

The girl stared at her as recognition seeping into her head. She snapped her eyes closed, refocussing on the situation. The grey eyed boy moved behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Within the blink of an eye they had disappeared. When the reappeared the Earthan girl was behind Quanteen, a knife to her throat. Themis dashed towards them but the Earthan boy threw himself at her, smashing her to the ground and landing ungracefully on top of her. Themis kicked his stomach, sending him sprawling off her. Quanteen thrashed about in the Earthan girl's grip. "I'll break you neck!" She screeched like a tetradactyl.

"Tell me who you are or I'll kill you." The Earthan girl demanded. Themis slowly morphed her arm back to its original form.

"Don't hurt her." Themis said slowly.

The Earthan girl pressed one of the knives against her throat.

"Who. Are. You" She seethed.

Themis took a deep. Long breath. "We aren't here to hurt you. Let her go."

The Earthan girl wavered, unsure of her next move. Her grip loosened and Quanteen took the opportunity, sending her elbow straight into the Earthan girl's stomach.

Quanteen and Themis stood in the centre of the group. Outnumbered.

"I know you." The Earthan said. She paused tostudy Themis' face. Her golden eyes stared straight back. 

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