Chapter 9 Quanteen - No Choice

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I felt the nerves starting run through my body as the shivering sound of the Frignitive screeches echoed through the cave. I held Agatha in my arms tighter, feeling the smaller Albino shivering slightly at the sound of the bat-like creatures gripping onto my shirt. Should've put my shoes on.... I thought feeling my feet on the rough stone which turned out to be the entrance of the cave. I then looked back at Damira's expression after I told her what the sound was and what it was coming from. Her face was too blank to be real. Forced calm. I mean I don't blame her. Frignitives are the only creatures that can kill Children of any kind. Un-freezing, I turned around and faced Elder Alvis who was just walking up to the group as he was the last to come down the ladder.

"Are you sure you need all of us? I mean first of all, I have managed to easily to get water before and second of all it's more dangerous with extra people. The most we've had at once was the both of us. I don't want to bring Agatha, Adron or even grey eyed demon here." I stated looking at Elder Alvis seeing his expression change a bit to a stern look and the wind around us stiffen with snow starting to slowly fall from the sky again. "I said that last thing out loud didn't I?"

"Q, do not talk about Damira like that. She is different and we except that. Also as much as it pains me to say we do need everyone." I opened my mouth to retaliate but he cut me off before I did. 

"I know how dangerous it is but once we get it over with we will have nothing to worry about Okay?"

"Yeah... I guess..." I replied turning back to the cave feeling Agatha flinch back a bit cuddling into my shirt. 

"We'll just get this over with okay?" I whispered quietly to her as I took a step forward earning a nod from her yet also feeling her head lean into my shoulder as if trying to hide herself. I continued to walk into the cave slowly feeling the younger Albino starting to dig her nails into my shirt noticing at the same time that my hair was a lilac shade. Well that's one way to tell them I am not the most excited for this.

"Q?" Adron asked from behind me as I started to enter into the shadow of the cave. I turned my head to see him just standing at the entrance shaking a bit. He may be a bit of an emo and shut himself off from the others yet he's still got a heart of gold and seeing him petrified was figuratively eating at my heart.

"Adron." Elder Alvis said sternly pushing the emo-like Albino forwards closer to Agatha and I. Adron just took a deep breath and shrugged a bit trying to shake off the feeling of uneasiness as he walked towards us two as I continued to take small slow steps waiting for the others to catch up. "You may be new Damira, but you must also be a part of this in order to help us." Elder Alvis firmly stated this pushing her a bit who seemed to be in her own world right now.

"I'll go ahead." I said giving Agatha to Adron. As I tried to do this however Agatha tried to grab back at me. "Sorry Aggie someone has to go ahead a bit to find the best flow of water with the least Frignitives near it."

"I'll come with you." Adron said getting stopped by Elder Alvis.

"I believe that wouldn't be the best option Adron. If anything, Damira should go with Q."

"What?" Both Damira and I said at the same time looking at Elder Alvis.

"Look Al... I really don't think that's a good idea...." I implied trying to point out the fact that we can't just trust her even if she seems to be 'nice.' For all we know she could be a Frignitive herself with how much information she gave us and how she just randomly showed up in our time of water collection.

"You heard me correct Q and I do not want you two to return to us until you have found not only a suitable flow of water but also a mutual friendship or trust between each other." Elder Alvis ordered directing this more towards me as he knew how much I didn't trust this 'Damira.' I mean don't get me wrong she's nice, pretty and really brave but she is hiding something, and I know it. Something big. Something that would change everything if she told us. My train of thoughts got stopped by the wind changing back to it's some-what normal rhythm and the fact that I noticed my hair changing slowly to a lighter lilac as I started to forget that thought about the dangers of the cave and more of the fact that I have to go through all of it with the newbie.

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