Chapter 22 Themis - The Mines

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Themis' feet crunched through the crisp white snow with the plan they had devised scurrying through the depths of her mind. A plan they had created only moments before. It was completely ludicrous. This plan had such a low success rate they might as well throw themselves from the top of the dreary cement buildings that crept forward, hindering the light of the mother star. This cold dark structure, Ditoa had guaranteed, was the mine. Tall slate grey walls with trivial cracks and vines creeping towards the dwindling light smothered by the stockade. Nothing could elude them from the despairing presence of the barbed wire with rust the colour of dried blood that lined the tops of the walls, wishing pain upon anyone who was dumb enough to enter.

"Wait." Ditoa said, jerking to a stop. "We can't go in there. They know what we look like."

Acrem nodded, looking a little more relieved than solemn. "It's true. If we go in there, you'll all be caught. Ditoa, Anastasia, Bryne and I can stay outside and keep watch."

Bryne shook his head slowly. "I'll go with them. Someone will notice two strangers looking lost." He said, taking a shuddering sigh.

Ditoa nodded. "Your, um, Skill will be useful."

Themis' head jolted towards the tall boy standing beside her. "Skill?"

Bryne looked at the ground uncomfortably, only managing to shrug his shoulders.

"We need to enter near the office." He said, clearing his throat. "I can get us in and out, but other than that I'm useless."

Themis cocked a grin. "That's where my skill comes in handy."

Bryne, Themis and Quanteen stepped towards the lifeless cement wall.

"How are we going to get in?" Quanteen questioned suspiciously, eyeing the wall.

Bryne held out his arm in front of Quanteen, making her stare in revolt. She looked to Themis, desperate for any excuse to avoid touching this stranger. Themis looked back at her and nodded slowly. It was their only option, after all. Quanteen grimaced as she reached out and grabbed onto Bryne's arm. He then turned to Themis, and she too grabbed onto his lanky arm. As she did her mind began to swirl and all the brilliant colours of the world seeped from view. Strange faces swam through her view, making the world seem so much fuller than before. There were people from all eras, most looked too young and malnourished to be alive. A thought dawned on her as she ripped her hand away. The colour returned and the people disappeared. Themis placed her hand back on the strange boy's arm, and again the worlds colours faded. She stared at him in astonishment.

"You brought friends, Bryne!" One of the figures said. It was a young boy who seemed to be about fifteen. He had worn out clothing, tanned skin, and lush brown hair that seemed to float around his head. His small malnourished figure floated around Bryne, poking and prodding him. "And here I thought you were hopeless!" The boy laughed.

Bryne gave the figure an irritated glare before turning back to the wall.
"Aw come on BB, it's so boring here without newbies. All the rest are dead beats. Haha, get it?"

Bryne gave a small smile as he turned back to the translucent being. "Go haunt a rock or something."

The boy poked out his tongue. "Your no fun." He gave a childish giggled before drifting through the cement wall and into the mines.

Themis eyes bulged. Nothing in her life, nothing in her rigorous training, could prepare her for what she had just witnessed.

She searched for words to say, anything, but her astonishment had wiped her mind blank. Bryne stepped forward, his figure plunging into the wall and dragging Themis and Quanteen with him. Themis clamped her eyes shut as she felt grit pass through her, leaving the taste of dirt in her mouth. Finally, they breached the wall and fresh air caressed their faces.

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