Chapter 20 Ditoa - Golden eyes, cold snow and all this without a llama

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This girl, she knew her, it was a long time ago yet she remembered the night when those golden eyes were once looking upon the same tragic event she had.

Age six, 13th of June, The Day of Slaughter, Planet 3/The Earth Planet:

"Let go of me, where's my mother, what happened to my father!" The young Earthan girl struggled against the forceful grip of the soldier pulling her to a large group of people surrounded by executers. She held one hand over her left eye, the burn was searing with pain, she wanted to get to her parents alas the first time she tried she was caught and punished. The blasters struck fear into the young girl's heart, the screams and gunfire from another group rung in her ears and through the crowds of soldiers her brown eyes widened as she witnessed the many innocent people now lying with a bullet in their head surrounded by pools of blood.

Ditoa's eyes desperately scanned what was left of the many piles of bodies, trying to find her parents, trying to see if they were still alive and well. But just as she was thrown into her own place among other fearful Earthans that were shocked at the government pointing guns at their head, she saw it. Her mother and father, their bloody hands wrapped around each other, their faded brown eyes staring out into a longing nothingness and their bodies limp on the stained ground. Her small heart skipped a beat, anger filled up inside her, the trust for those who lead this planet vanished and replaced with an everlasting desire for revenge.

Shrieks and cries of the people now lined up along a brick wall with her grew louder as the traitors dressed in silver armour with highlights of dark green lining their robes and black hoods covering their faces cocked their guns and raised them towards the crowd. She was near the edge of the building, she could dash away without anyone noticing but no. She was completely fazed, her gaze was glued to the lifeless bodies of her parents, nothing could save her now. Or so she thought.

She felt the grip of a small hand on her right arm and a force pulled her out of the way as the bullets did their work and splattered scarlet liquid across the walls. The only damage done on the girl was the fresh red burn situated on her right eye, it was graciously given to by the guards who forced her away from her loved ones. The black-haired girl was pulled behind a small garbage bin only to face another girl, golden eyes, those were the first thing she saw. Her long brown hair stretched down her back, she looked a few years older Ditoa herself and she wore obvious Star Clan clothing. But who was she?

"You need to get on the aircraft over there!" The girl shouted in a whisper while pointing in the direction of Earthans being forced onto an old space shuttle and pushed in that direction. "Quickly before they find you!"

"But- Who are you?" The purple skinned child turned around to face her once more, alas the stranger only shook her head and pointed towards the shuttle.


Tears dropped onto the cold ground as Ditoa put two and two together, she was the girl who saved her life, and she never got her name. Without thinking Ditoa pushed past the short girl with long ombre hair and towards the golden eyed Star Clan, her black hair hung over her face and the boy she now knew as Bryne stiffened unaware if she was going to hurt the girl or kill her, she ripped the girl out of Acrem's grip and held her up by her collar.

"Don't make me ask again, Who. Are. You." She snarled and held one of Azura's knives to her throat to pressure her even more.

"I know you." The girl's golden eyes were deep in thought.

"I asked for your name, not your opinion."

But without a word the poster girl swung her foot around hitting Ditoa's leg making her stance break and fall slightly. Then she took the opportunity and pushed her into the 'snow' Acrem had told her about.

"I'm Themis, and you have bad stance."

"Well 'Themis', I think you have worse," She stated and swiped her leg under this so-called Themis and she dropped to the ground as well. At this point everyone else was just watching and kinda on edge about how they were going to kill each other. Alas, the two just broke out in laughter.

"I'm back," Bryne states as he appeared in-between the two with a scythe. "Oh, I'll get out of the way..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Themis stands up quickly and brushes the snow off her pants before putting out her hand. "I'm Themis."

He just stared at her hand for a while unsure if this was a trick, mocking him or simply just being stupid and after a few seconds Themis grabbed his hand and shook it herself, she wasn't extremely patient.

She then turned to Ditoa, reaching out her hand for Ditoa to shake. Ditoa just stared at it, and then did a weird fist bump. The two girls broke out in laughter and the Earthan teen stood up, yes this was most defiantly the girl who saved her life.

"Themis, I don't know you very well at all, but that's okay considering I don't know me very well at the moment either." Ditoa started up staring at the young adult in a red hoodie. "But I want to say thank you, for saving me, back when we were kids."

"So, I was right, you were that little girl back on Planet 3!" She punched air and jumped in excitement.

"Uh yeah, oh I almost forgot! This is Bryne, Acrem and Anastasia; we escaped the slavery mines way back," Ditoa gestured to the three Children standing around awkwardly, the so called 'Bryne just looked down nervously, Acrem waved extremely awkwardly and Anastasia ran up to her and squished her with a hug.

"I wish I got that sort of hello..." Ditoa mumble referencing to the mood ass child who mysteriously had an invisible sugar rush and got happy randomly.

"What slavery mines? There is nothing else on this planet except for our home." This note came from the shorter girl who's hair changed from an angry red to more of a purplish colour.

"Strange. You are a trained fighter, yes?" Themis turned back to Ditoa questioning whatever she just did and half noting to ask her about the 'mines' she mentioned later on.


"So how do you know those techniques then?"

"I don't," She stated bluntly crossing her arms, who was this girl to question how she had survived on her own for her whole childhood, "It's just my will to not die."

"You're extremely blunt." Themis put her hands on her hips tired of her short unexplanatory answers.

"Yes, I may have noticed that." Ditoa replied once more in an urge to not start shivering from the cold, she could not show her weakness. This girl has saved her once, but she may not be the same as she was as a child, they would just have to hope these two newbies are on their side.

"You need to loosen up, and get out of the snow, you look extremely pale." She tried softening the tension, this girl seemed different, but why?

"That would be good, I guess." 

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