Chapter 17 Ditoa - Realm walker, a high kid and no zapnargin llama!

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It was around half past five in in the morning by Acrem's clock, well he didn't have a clock on him but he did have an old pocket watch which happened to be a gift from his uncle. All the three prisoners had completely run out of energy for bashing at the door and decided to crash on the dirt floor. Ditoa was truly fascinated about his stories of the worlds beyond her own. She had learnt more she had in one day than 18 decaquads of her life. The 'mystery boy' introduced himself as Acrem, he had grown up with his uncle and they were both supposed to be moved to planet Rust when he was a child, but their shuttle was sent here instead. His uncle and himself had been living here for a long time now, yet a few years ago his uncle died. It was from lung cancer, Acrem said it was the dust from the crystals that did it, there was something quite odd about them. But his uncle was a carpenter, so that's something

The kid on the other hand didn't talk much, she looked super scared. So Ditoa didn't push it, yet she did get a name, Anastasia. On further inspection she noticed the kid had a fire symbol on her upper back which was open to the eye because the constant whipping overtime had ripped the back of her jumpsuit. So, it was obvious she was a fire clan Children. The girl had strait long black hair that reached the middle of her back and Anastasia's green eyes remind Ditoa of the forest. She had little memory of the forest back on planet three, the Earthan planet, though those green eyes reminded her so much of her true home. A home she tried to protect but failed...

"Who are you?" A voice snapped Ditoa back into reality as her eyes wandered over to the source to find the Anastasia staring at a boy. Another new guy, greeeaaaaaaaaaaat. But how did he get in the cell, no one heard the door opening or closing. The boy had pale skin, deep green eyes with sleepless rings under them. His dull orange hair fell over his face and the hair on the sides of his head was cut short. He had a tattered brown hood pulled over his face to hide his sunken checks. The boy looked a little older than Ditoa but like he had seen plenty of years' worth of pain and misfortune. The boy simply tilted his head, ignoring the question as he travelled on. He walked from the one side of the room to the other and stared at the solid wall for a while before walking strait through it with ease.

Everyone in the cell was in complete silence for a few seconds before the sound of a foot step drew their attention to the back wall which Ditoa was slumped against. She turned her head to find the bare feet of the same boy standing next to her. Slowly her head turned up to see his face and she immediately shuffled a few feet away. His head tilted down to look at her and just observed her reaction. Then once again without a word he stepped into the wall, but this time Ditoa wouldn't let him get away so fast. She jumped for his leg and clung onto it with dear life.

A flash of white slightly blinded her dark brown eyes, but only before she gazed around and saw the world grey. Both her and the werido boy were still standing next to the back wall of the cell, and next to them was Acrem bashing at the wall while mouthing something that was completely muffled out. She looked up to see the same confused face she had plastered on the red heads. His hand reached out to her and she took it gratefully getting up from the grey floor yet made sure to keep in contact with him. If he got her into this mess, she would hella make sure he'd get her out of it. The boy blinked at her completely confused.

"H-how did you?" The boy continued to stare. "Well that's different."

"Um, where are we? And what did you do to colour?" Ditoa questions while she notices an awful lot more people in the cell, these new people were either really old, looked really sick or had harsh wounds. And the strangest thing was all the new people who randomly appeared in their cell, the realm walker she's clinging onto for dear life and Ditoa herself were all in colour. It was only everything that was 'normal' that was grey monotoned. A man with dark eyes and short spiky blonde hair, wearing the same grey jumpsuit and similar leather wristbands to Acrem was standing over his Acrems shoulder staring at him with caring eyes. Then the man then turned to the two confused Children and nodded slightly just before they fell back into reality and sweet sweet colour returned to the 'normal' world.

Ditoa stepped away from the red head with a wary look, he kinda creeped her out. But before she could ask any more questions Acrem dashed between the two and stood with his back facing her in a protective stance.

"Where did you take her? Where did you go?" Acrem interrogated, yet the boy completely ignored the questions AGAIN and walked strait through them and through the cell bars. Anastasia, being the adorable dumbass, jumped to her feet and tried running through the bars too, only to let out a squeal and receive a purplish bruise smashed onto the centre of her forehead. But the two Earthans attention was drawn to the cell door as they heard a 'click' and to their surprise they saw the door wide open with the weirdo standing to one side. Everyone's jaws dropped yet the boy, once again, only gave a small nod.

They filed out of the cell with the weird ass boy leading the way and the kid skipping behind him, the amount of energy she had was impossible. Though the two Earthans were completely confused at the whole situations so they stayed at the back as the four Children weaved their way through a maze of tunnels. The funniest part was that no one said a word, did no one have any questions about the supernatural event that just occurred? Well they all did, yet they were too caught up in the thrill of the moment to be wordy.

After a while they all stopped suddenly leaving the poor child at the back, Ditoa, to bump into the back of Acrem.

"Sorry," Ditoa mumbled as a soft blush spread across her face, she was quite embarrassed. Though she had to admit, he was cute. Yet up ahead the weird ass boy walked through a large sealed red iron door, like the ones they have on steam boats, and milliseconds later it swung open as with the red head being seen on the other side.

Anastasia leaped through while Acrem offered a helping hand to Ditoa, though she graciously declined. Well yes, she liked him, but she wasn't going all soft just for a boy. Oh hell no.

Just as she walked out into a rather open space and stood next to Anastasia her head tilted up and jaw dropped for the billionth time today. The door they had come out of was situated in a rock cliff face with the mining camp at the very very top. The four Children now were standing on top of a small hill overlooking a valley surrounded by mountain peaks of all sized, though the greatest one was aligned exactly with them. It was probably the tallest landmark any of them had seen, and it stood proud covered in sheets of glistening white with a small storm brewing around the top. The sun hadn't awoken from its deep slumber yet, so the sky was filled with bright lights all with their own unique glow, stars of all kinds were scattered across the sky. The lights shimmering down upon them reflected in the white landscape and danced across it like fireflies in the darkest of caves. At this moment Acrem remembered something his uncle always told him, and it was something indeed.

The universe was their canvas and they, its painters.

"Um- my ship crashed around here so it could be a good place to set up camp? Well it wasn't my ship but-" Ditoa suggested trying to think of where the hell they were going.

"Yeah, that sound cool, let's do it!" Anastasia cut in and punched the air with such excitement while the other two gave her a reassuring glance or just nodded in response. Honestly the kid, Anastasia, had so much energy one minute and none the next it was like she was on drugs. And with that the four started walking, the weird ass realm walker, the tiny fire clan kid, the carpenter's nephew and the Earthan girl who had no idea what she just got herself into. Yet hope still prevailed above all. 

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