Chapter 15 Quanteen - Civilized Friendship

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We arrived back at the tree-house I looked towards the group and saw both Adron and Agatha already climbing up the ladder. I really need to fix that when I get the chance, I thought passing the bucket of water to Alvis who had nodded a thank you and walked away to purify it. That left both Themis and I awkwardly standing there looking up the ladder.

Themis turned her head to look at me.

"Yeah...." I replied awkwardly accidentally making eye contact with Themis which I quickly made sure to pull away from.

"So your all good now, right?" Themis began looking at me again.

"I'm fine. As long as neither of us tell the others its cool. Also.... Would you want to wear something a little smaller?" I asked gesturing towards what Themis was wearing.

"No." she said looking down at her overly large jumper. They're kinda cozy. Plus, if I change back then the new clothes would be too small. That would be kinda akward."

"Not really," I simply replied. "I mean you have control on when you do that so... I guess you wouldn't be stupid enough to transform, would you?" I asked in a cheeky way being slightly sarcastic.

"Hey!" Themis laughed. "I'm not stupid you know!"

"Are you sure about that?" I asked quickly before jumping up the ladder so she couldn't catch me as she lashed out.

"Get back here!!" She yelled after me as they were going one ladder at a time only on about the fifth when I had gotten to the top. "No fair!!"

"Yes fair!!" I yelled back like how Agatha sometimes mocks Adron.

"You've done this for basically all your life though!!" Themis yelled back as she was only about halfway up.

"And you're taller and probably stronger then me so.... fairs fair!!" I yelled back laughing a bit seeing my hair change to a brighter yellow as the wind brushed through it. I sighed sitting down on the side of the tree house allowing my legs to hang over the side with my bare feet dangling as I waited for Themis to reach the top. I silently sat at the edge thinking about what had happened not too long ago and the fact that Themis felt like a best friend to me even though we literally only became as such within the cave. I continued thinking of these certain things as I felt a slight movement in my pocket ignoring it as I only thought it was only my imagination as I stood up watching Themis climb the last few ladder steps.

"And done!" She said as she reached the top. "Next time I'm going first!" Themis expressed looking directly at me.

"Ok!! Ok...." I said trailing off a bit as I gestured inside. "You first then."

Themis laughed a bit walking in. "Real mature Q. Real mature."

"Thanks." I replied sarcastically following close behind as I brushed past the cloth feeling my favourite sensation and most familiar sensation of the inside of the tree-house. If I were to describe it the felling would be of warmth and welcoming whilst the smell would be fresh leaves off trees or a soft warm temperature breeze.

I looked around the room and saw Agatha sitting on one of the chairs next to the slight hole in the wall covered with another cloth looking out with her bright white hair flowing in the wind. Adron was seated not too far away in another chair leaning slightly on the wooden wall as he was reading a book on other worlds and planets, mostly being about one called Earth which I was quite fascinated with myself and it included some of their languages as well that of which had already learnt about 83 of them.... in counting. This left Elder Alvis and Themis. Elder Alvis was still outside and Themis was seated next to Adron trying to see what he was reading.

With this in mind, I walked over to one of the other chairs at a medium sized circle table made out of simple oak wood to the right of the room, where we sometimes conversed at, and picked up the closest book continuing to read it. The book was called: Earthling's and their Languages. I loved reading the book and found most of the content quite enjoyable yet it lost me at the bits which included the fact on that they could die, easily. I didn't understand it. I mean they seemed almost the exact same as us and after reading their history they didn't seem too far off ours from about 2,000 decaquads ago. Let's just say. When I start reading I don't stop for quite a while. 

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