Chapter 11 Ditoa - Crash, Bang and no Llama

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'I can't stop thinking about what happened, I killed someone! I mean I never meant to, it just happened. Am I an unworthy? Will the star's kill me? Will someone come looking for me. I'm the kid who killed a water children? Where will I go? Where can I go?' Ditoa thinks to herself in complete worry.

'No, don't worry, you'll be just fine! Keep on the buses path and head to planet 7! WAIT, OH MY ZAPNARG IS THAT PLANET SEVEN?!?!?!' She yells at herself in awe.

As she flies closer to the planet she notices the fuel is running low and so starts speeding up to make sure she isn't stuck in space any longer. Then as she pushes on the gas pedal one more time the bus starts to slow down. Her head frantically spins around checking all the different buttons on the dashboard, until she checks her positioning.

"WHAT THE ZAPNARG IS HAPPENING! Oh wait, I have my foot on the break, I'm such a dumbass." She says starting to freak out but then breaking into laughter.

Continuing her way, she decides to enter the planet's atmosphere, bad idea. The space bus she is on was barely staying together. Its engines were ready to give up, the fuel was nearly out, and it was still partly on fire so it could explode at any moment. But driving forward the whole ship starts shaking as it finally enters the exosphere, layer by layer the bus blasts forwards from the gravity pull and finally catches fire on the outside.

As the plane nears closer to the white terrain, she realises how beautiful this planet was. Through the smoke she notices the large dark green tree's covered in a white fluffy substance, wait... as far as she could see the earth was covered in glistening white flakes that kept falling from the sky. She was extremely confused but at the same time very curious about what this was.

The ship continues to blast at full speed towards the white mountains and she started to slowly pull back on the wheel as she tries to prepare for a crash landing. Well there was no way a ship that beat up could land properly so crash landing it is! Trees wacked against the sides of the shuttle getting smashed into splinters as she pulls back harder on the wheel.

'Come on, come on, come on! Please don't explode!' She thinks to herself as the shuttle finally blasts into the blankets of white splattering the fluffy white stuff and dirt everywhere.

Smoke, fire and dirt is all that could be seen from the poor eyes of Ditoa as she woke from her slumber. The ship now half dug in the ground and metal scattered everywhere. No one could get this baby up and running anytime soon, or no one she knew at least. Darkness had swarmed the land but the several moons that surrounded the planet lit the sky up perfectly, stars of all colours were visible through the dim light. Her head spun as she slowly reached around her to find that she was laying on the floor of the bus next to a familiar water clan girls' bloody body. Azura's beautiful blue eyes were now a soft faded blue and the water clan mark on her forehead a grey, she was gone. Ditoa managed to push herself upwards and steadying herself on the seat handles. Her eyes landed back on the water children, she couldn't leave her here. No, not like this.

Step by step Ditoa got closer to the small clearing ahead of her, the lifeless body of Azura in her arms. She needed to get away from the ship just in case it exploded but she also needed to put the body of the water children down. Her feet sunk into the white ground beneath her and the cold frosty air filled her lungs, but she wasn't bothered by it. Yes, she was confused at what the white flakes that fell from the sky were, but she was used to the hot days and the cold nights on planet rust. It was like a desert, no, it practically was a desert. Then with no warning she placed the body down and let it sink slowly into the snow.

Usually a burial would consist of covering the body in rocks of the landscape and things that reminded the children of home so they would be able to live happily amongst the stars as they did when they were living. That was all Earthen traditions of course, the other clans had their own special ways of sending the dead off. But this planet had barely any life except for the huge trees that stood proud amongst the white landscape. Ditoa knew she wouldn't be able to find anything to remind Azura of home, one because she didn't know the girl at all and two because the resources here were very scarce. She begun to collect rocks of all sizes and gently pile them onto the girl, trying her hardest not to bruise the body as she did this. The rock sizes noticeable got smaller the higher the pile got though it wasn't the best burial, but it was the only one Ditoa could give or had ever given for that matter. When the Earthen girl was scavenging, she managed to find multiple pieces of broken pottery that were just poking out of the white substance and covered in frost, this wouldn't remind Azura of home at all but maybe water would.

Ditoa placed an unbroken cup on the top of the pile, it was filled with water to remind Azura of her clan, it maybe have been a miserable topping but it was the only thing she could think of. Her eyes gazed over the small purple detailing on the clay pottery, the symbols reminded her of something though she couldn't place her finger on what. It was probably something she saw on a poster in a Kai's bar, but maybe it wasn't. She placed her hand on a rock of the burial and mumbled a few words of regret and apology. Her eyes closed and she let her thoughts drift to the connection between Azura and her brother, he must be in pain from seeing his sister leave this world.

As she continued swimming deeply in her thoughts her scar started glowing a soft green and certain energy flowed through her. It slowed her breathing and her heart rate settled, the air around her suddenly felt very odd and still. Her right eye felt a flicker of pain and she amount immediately shot her eyes open to find a different scene all together. As well as the scar glowing a mystical colour her right eye wasn't the same chocolate brown as usual, but this time a murky green.

The scene around her had changed completely, it had gone from a setting of white blankets covering the floor and the giant dark trees dotting the area to yet another burial, but this one was different it was special.

Six figures dressed in black robes surrounded a platform on which a was a body of a man who wore clothes of red and orange. Ditoa tried to move but she was stiff as a stick, her legs wouldn't move. This wasn't because of fear, this was some sort of sorcery, this was magic. The body lay lifeless on many branches and leaves, this wasn't a classic dig a hole and chuck the body inside burial. It wasn't a traditional Earthen one either, the branches and leaves were for burning, burning with fire. The only clan known to burn bodies was fire clan, though they didn't do something as special as a burning ceremony to every dead guy, this was someone important. This was the leader, the leader of the fire clan and by the looks of things the other six people might just be the other six clan leaders. Though it is hard to say, one of these children is an Albino, this can easily be seen via height difference. Thank the earth for their short-potato-ness. The sky was grey, the ground was a grey concrete and they were wearing robes of black, it was nearly impossible to see if any of the other children had certain features that pointed out which clan they were from. But then there was an angelic movement, air clan.

One of the six figures, a woman, glided over and knelt next to the platform. Then with a flick of her wrist a small match, only now visible because of the light, burst alive. With one swift movement she tossed it into the branches and the whole platform burst into flames. The flames were strong, too strong, there must have been something different. Magic. The elements could be controlled by their race, though this was power was usually extremely weak and only able to be controlled if the children were trained to do so. The fire leader, he wasn't your average fire clan leader, he must be a moonstone and a strong one at that. Could the others be moonstones or are they just leaders? No, it was impossible. The moonstones haven't been together since the first era, and that means this would be the original planet. The planet all clans originally developed and lived together, as one. As the Children race. But that's impossible...

The scene flashed into a white abyss and Ditoa's body finally unfroze. She screamed as she fell backwards onto her butt into the white substance, wait, the white stuff is back. That means she's back! Ditoa jumped to her feet and scanned her surroundings with a with twist of her head, she was back, back at Azura's burial ground. How?

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