Bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep.

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I walk into school with Brendon, doing the usual stuff, drop him off at the office and head to my locker, Ryan said he got a tour a couple days ago so he'll be fine.

I grab the things I need and head to class, math.


I enter class and sit down, Tyler and Josh are here, Tyler lays his head on his boyfriends shoulder.

"Hi Dal," Josh says while moving, Tyler groans, they both turn around, poor Tyler looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Hi, how you doing Ty?" He shrugs.

I'm still worried about him...

"Is it fine if my friend Ryan eats with us at lunch? He's my neighbour," I ask.

"Sure, just as long as he's not a complete asshole," Josh grumbles.

They seem like their moods are not good right now.

Don't push their buttons Dal.

"No, he's really nice, you'll like him.


~Middle Of Class~


Does he ever stop kicking my desk?! That dude who got in a fight with Brendon will NOT stop kicking my chair and it's pissing me off.

I thought they would've suspended him or some shit!

He kicks my chair AGAIN!

I glare at him and he only smirks.

"Whatcha gonna do furry?" I roll my eyes, he kicks my chair and my hand shoots up.

"Yes Dallon?"

"May I sit somewhere else, he won't stop kicking my chair!" I whine out.

"Fine, go sit there," the teacher points to an empty spot and I move.

Finally, I can fucking focus on my thoughts.


~Locker Break~

Sadly Brendon is still working, he's going to not have a break, only at lunch so then on Friday he should be able to join my classes.

"Hey gaylord!" Is someone talking to me?!

*** trigger warning: bullying/violence, also offensive gay word, I'll do three stars when over***

The guy from earlier shoves me onto my locker. I groan out in pain.

"Fuck off," I stand up properly and attempt to walk away, he grabs my arm and yanks it down, I hiss out in pain.

I curse under my breath, he kicks my shins and I fall to the ground, his foot collides with my stomach, I make all sorts of inhuman sounds.

"Fucking Faggot! You are so fucking gay, you even have a fetish for animals! Aw, do you okay catch with your dog!" He growls out.

Another kick.

"I can't believe people don't care you carry around that... that thing!"

Brendon is NOT a THING!


As he finishes I let out a whine, I lay on my side and clutch my stomach.

When he starts walking away I can't help but say, "bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep."

He doesn't look back, I lie there helplessly until I hear someone gasp, it was Patrick.

Patrick Stumph.

I don't really hang out with him unless Tyler and Josh aren't at school, he's a good kid, he's dating Pete Wentz, dudes shady and Patrick's basically a mom to Pete.

"Oh my god Dallon! A-Are you okay?!" I give him that look that screams what do you think dumbass?! Patrick frowns, he pulls out his phone and starts texting.

"It's okay, I texted Pete to get the nurse or someone," Patrick bends down.

"Let's try to sit you up," he begins helping me and I scream in pain.

God it hurts, it burns, it stings, it's terrible.

I then start to notice I'm bleeding a bit.

What the fuck is his name?

Wait... last time I was in the nurses office she said four names.

Brad, Sam, Chase and Ian.

Which one is the one I want the most to burn in hell?!

Click, click, click.

The sound of heels is heard through the halls, I squint a bit, I see a boy come running at me, oh, it's Brendon.

"D-Dallon! W-Who, w-what?!" Brendon sits next to me and hugs me tightly, I flinch a bit.

"Dallon who did this?!" Pete asks.

"I-I don't k-know," I start to notice I'm crying, why do I never notice I'm crying?

"E-Either Brad, S-Sam, C-Chase or Ian!" I cry out, usually I don't enjoy telling on people but I rather come home with a normal Brendon then a beat up Brendon.

He still has a black eye of course, also a few bruises, I never saw his arm but I'm pretty sure he probably still has an injury.

"Let's get you to the nurses office, Pete, Patrick go to class, tell them you were just helping me out if they ask why your late," Mrs. Jave says, they nod and leave.

She attempts to get me up, when I fully stand Brendon wraps his arm around my waist and I put an arm around his shoulder, I stumble a bit but successfully make it to the nurses office, I sit on the a chair in the room and the nurse cleans me up.

"I'm assuming you have some injury's on your stomach, would you like a make male nurse to clean you up? Or Brendon can, he knows some stuff and you could help him," she suggests.

"I'll go with Bren," she nods, she wets a cloth and grabs Polysporin, she sets them on a little tray and leaves the room.

I poorly slip my shirt off, Brendon stares at me confusingly.

"Cuts, wipe them with the cloth," I say while pointing to one on my stomach, he nods and goes on his knees, Brendon starts cleaning me up and thankfully it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would've.

Once he's done he sets it aside.

"Now the Polysporin, take s little and apply it on the wounds," he nods, now this hurt more, it stung. I wasn't that cut up, mostly just bruises but I was in fact bleeding.

God he better shut his dirty mouth next time I see him.

I hope he bites his tongue and chokes himself to sleep.

I get lost in my thoughts, I start to notice Brendon was chewing on his fingers, he looks pissed.

"W-Why they... they... hurt, Dal?" I sigh.

"People do stupid things because of stupid reasons."

I deserve pain.

A/N :') yay I have updated

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