Pride Day

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~Next Day~
I wake up feeling different. Proud for once, no, I fell pretty... gay?

It's weird, I never feel gay, why couldn't today be pride day and then I doubt anyone would know I'm gay!

Fuck, life is hard. Anyways, I might as well show off my cheerfulness for once. I get up, I totally ignore the fact Brendon is still sleeping, okay baby, we got this, I open my drawer and grab my rainbow suspenders.

Yes, I own rainbow suspenders because why the fuck not? I grab a white shirt, a button up, old Dallon is coming back to town ya'll.

Remind me to never say ya'll ever again.

I grab jeans and start getting dress, once I'm done I pick something out for Brendon. I really need to take him shopping,

I gently shake Brendon awake, he groans and pulls the blanket over his head.

"Come on Bren, we have school." Brendon just mumbles "go away" gosh, they taught him this stuff already, I'm very impressed.

"Come on," I whine out. Brendon then tells me to fuck off. Bastard.

"If you don't get up now I'm going to drag you out of bed," I warn him. Brendon lets out a growl, I pull the blanket off of him and drag him off the bed. He hits the floor with a thud and flares at me, me being the person I am, stick my tongue out at Brendon.

Ha, how you like that bitch.

Brendon gets up, he takes one step closer to me, grabs me by my shirt collar and makes our foreheads touch. Is he going to hurt me?

Bren slams his lips into mine, I gasp and he slides his tongue into my mouth.

That bastard frickin always udeghaodb.

I mean like, we are dating... I might as well kiss back... I kiss back passionately, I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me, Brendon smiles into the kiss, he pulls away and happily skips over to the clothes I have for him and changes.

I don't understand him at all.

~Sorry for such a big time skip, but time skip to locker break~

Brendon happily skips to me, he gets a break today, I grab my things for the next two classes, once I shut my locker someone pushes me into my locker, Brendon starts shouting.

"WHAT THE FUCK! FUCK OFF!" I turn around, it's one of those guys.

The one who beat me up.

No fucking clue what his name is.

"Look at you Dallon! Little suspenders! What a nerd! And rainbow?! What are you gay?!" I roll my eyes, for once I plan on trying to stick up for myself.

"Yes, in fact I am, you got a problem? Ha! You're jealous you aren't gay! Look at this straight boy! With his straight leather jacket! Ah-haaa! Look at you! That lil straight boy hair! Fucking hilarious!" I pull at my shirt when I mention the jacket, I also ruffle his hair when I talk about his hair.

"Ooo, did that hurt fuckboy? Whoops, I don't even know if your straight looking enough to get the ladies! God, you are one funny man, now I got to go to class, you should too bud, bye," I wave at him and walk to my next class, Brendon follows me.

"Shouldn't you get back to Mrs. Jave?"

"N-no, not... yet." I nod, we sit in class and just wait, Tyler appears, sadly Josh isn't in this class with us.

As people fill in they give me a weird look, some actually smile. The ones who smile are the ones who've known me for a while, the ones who remember my suspenders and little bow tie phase.

Oh boy how my mom was right when she said I washing going through a nerd phase.

"So... How's school?" I ask out of the blue.

"G-Good." English isn't perfect but that makes him even more adorable....

My teacher walks in she smiles at me.

"The suspenders are back huh Dallon?" I can't help but blush and nod. When I was classified as a nerd, literally everyone knew me, the teachers even did, it was weird....

The bell rings and Brendon kisses me on the cheek and skips off.

My cheeks go even more red and everyone stares at me.

Fuck me...

"So you are actually dating him?" Tyler asks quietly while taking a seat next to me.

"Basically... I'm just scared I'll mess up," I say with a sigh.

"I already screwed up..."

"How- oh, Tyler, don't say that," my tone goes soft and I place a hand on his shoulder.


"If you ever need to talk in here for you, I know you'll probably go to Josh but either way I'll always be with you okay?" He nods and pulls out a binder, I do too.

Class starts, here we go...

A/N sorry if it was short... ps if I write in bold with the a/n it's Dallon's thoughts or whatever, ya'll will know it's me when I use A/N or a/n same thing XD

Ps u May notice I spell ya'll y a ' l l not y'all because I would say ya all know instead of you all know or something like that so yeah... next update MIGHT be tomorrow probably not, sorry :(

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