Two suspects

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Eleanor's POV

I carry my mug of hot chocolate from the kitchen and upstairs to my bedroom, before sitting at my desk. Mr Andrews brought me home a couple of hours ago and the entire car ride, I couldn't stop thinking of what I had heard in his living room. What was that sound? I looked at the time, it's eight pm, I took a sip of my delicious hot chocolate. 

Scattered across my desk are numerous newspaper articles that I had cut out. They're all about the murders in the hospital here in East-Hollow. I have read through all of them in order to try and see if there may be a connection between them, any names mentioned in the article that appears in any of the other articles, a mutual friend or something that connects the victims together, the same workplace? Same family members? Lived on the same street?

But no matter how much I re-read the articles, there aren't any similarities, no wonder the police haven't moved forward with the case yet, there doesn't appear to be any link between the victims apart from the fact that they were all admitted into the hospital and they're all old. Could the serial killer simply be targeting old people in the hospital? No, there's probably old people that have spent a long time in that hospital but all the victims here have only spent a month in the hospital. The serial killer is killing the new arrivals, but not all of them, which means that these victims have been specifically chosen, but why? 

I take a gulp of my hot chocolate and then start to put the articles into two groups, one group is for the victims who have been stabbed and the second group is the victims that have been shot. There's basically the same amount, why have some of them been stabbed and some been shot? Usually serial killers use the same method or similar methods of killing with maybe an exception of one or two. 

Instead I re-arrange the articles into chronological order, by date. Oldest to most recent. That's when I notice a pattern, shot, stabbed, shot, stabbed, shot etc. The killer was following a pattern, is there a specific reason why? Is it just the personal trait of the killer? But what's the point? It's clear that the police know that this is one killer who is targeting these victims so it's not as if the killer is trying to throw the police off and make it appear as if this has been done by more than one killer.

In the most recent killing, the victim was shot, which probably means in the next killing the victim will be stabbed, but that's not much to work with. How can I figure out who the next potential victim will be? Or even better, who the killer is. I sigh, gulping down the rest of my hot chocolate before it grows cold. 

I pull out a blank piece of paper, are there any immediate people that come to my mind as suspects? I don't know a lot of people here though, Allison cannot be the killer, she doesn't come across as that type of person. What about that weird guy that I have seen around, the one I suspect of stalking me, with his round glasses, I scribble down 'Stalker with glasses' onto the paper. Who else? I suddenly remember the man with the gun that I met through Allison, he has the same weapon as what was used to kill the victims. Could it be him? I scribble his name down underneath 'Logan Fisher - gang member'.

I should probably try to find out more information about him, if he's part of a gang then these killings may be gang related, although it doesn't quite make sense because gang usually target young people and rival gang members, not crazy old people admitted to hospital. 

My train of thought is interrupted by a knocking at my front door, I glance over at the time, half past nine at night, I've spent an hour and a half at my desk, who could that be at this time? Is it Mr Andrews again? Wanting to do more work? 

I walk downstairs and pull open the front door slowly, gasping at the man standing at my doorstep. It's him, the strange guy with glasses who appears to be stalking me, what's he doing here? Is he going to kill me? He's wearing the same clothes as every other time I have seen him, a pain white t shirt and baggy blue jeans, his brown hair messily falling into his dark eyes. 

Before I can even say anything, he speaks to me for the first time, his voice is deep and manly but his tone is frantic, desperate. 'You went to James Andrews' house? Why did you go? Did he force you to go? No one has ever been to his house before, what did you see? Was there anything suspicious in his house?' 

My eyebrows raise in surprise, my brain barely keeping up with all of the questions that he's firing at me, what is he talking about? Why does he care? 

'What?' I interrupt his rambling, 'I am Mr Andrews' personal assistant, I went to his house because it was too late to go back to the office, we worked in his home office, why do you care?' 

He doesn't answer any of my own questions, just stares at me silently, I feel as if he doesn't believe me, then he turns around and starts walking down the pathway and away from my house. 'Wait' I yell after him, he pauses and turns to face me but doesn't attempt to come back to my doorstep, 'What's your name?' I ask him.

'Oliver Stevens' he replies before turning back around and leaving, I watch him go down the road and then disappear out of sight, I glance around at the dark and empty street before closing and locking my front door, what a strange man, at least now I know his name. Could he be the killer? He does act creepy and follow people. Going back upstairs, I scribble down his name on my paper of two suspects before deciding I should go to bed if I have to be back at the office tomorrow, maybe I can ask Allison some more questions about Logan or Oliver. 


Double update to make up for not updating in a while! I hope you enjoyed it, I'm excited to know who you guys suspect. COMMENT&VOTE

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