Loss of trust?

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Eleanor's POV

'So, what you're telling me is that you were lingering outside the hospital on the night of a murder because you wanted to see if you could catch the killer?' I ask, Oliver nods from across the table from me. 

'Yes' he says, chewing on his bottom lip and staring down at his untouched plate of food.

'And now the police are suspecting you because they have CCTV footage of you standing just outside the hospital entrance, just when the cameras stop working... dressed in dark clothing' I say, repeating the shorter version of the story he just spent almost fifteen minutes explaining to me about how the police turned up on his door and dragged him to the station to ask him some questions and showed him the CCTV footage of himself just as he was about to deny being present.

'Yes, I know what it sounds like, but I-' Oliver begins but I cut him off.

'Oh, I know what it sounds like too Oliver and it's not sounding good' I sigh, slumping back in my chair and looking down at my half eaten sandwich. Oliver shuffles uneasily. After a long and silent minute I speak again, 'I got a phone call from James' sister just before you called me at the office' 

'What? Really? What did she say?' he asks, his head snapping up as he stares deep into my eyes. 

I picked up the other half of my sandwich and took a small bite, 'she wants to meet, she asked me to tell James that I wanted to meet his family again because she has something to tell me' 

'Why doesn't she just meet you herself? Why does she need you to ask James?' he furrows his eyebrows, I shrug. 

'Are you going to ask him?' Oliver raises an eyebrow at me, I nod. 

'Of course, I'm curious to see what she has to say' I tell him, taking another small bite of my sandwich, it tastes good and it's one of the few times I can eat chicken on my break from work, most of my lunches consist of seafood unless I'm with Oliver or Allison. I glance down at my watch to see that I still have half an hour left of my lunch break, 'Let's go grab some ice cream, I'm not really hungry anymore but I'm craving something sweet' 

Oliver nods and stands up, I grab my jacket and we leave the cafe. We stroll leisurely towards the local park, the only park in this town with the only ice cream van in this town, always parked just outside the park's entrance. I've always preferred ice cream handed to me by a man in a van, rather than in the brightly lit parlours that are fast becoming popular. 

'I really hope you don't suspect me' Oliver breaks the silence of our walk. 

I sigh softly, 'it's not me you should be worried about, it's the police' He nods in agreement. As we reach the ice cream van, we place our orders with the friendly middle aged man who is leaning his upper body out of the van. He turns his back to us and dives into a freezer, I hear him rummaging around before he stands up again and turns back to us, he smiles as he hands us two ice creams, we thank him and pay before slowly walking away, unwrapping the ice creams. 

We walk in a comfortable silence, I lick at my ice cream and savour the taste, it's been a while since I last at ice cream. We are heading slowly back towards my workplace, Oliver breaks the silence, 'will you let me know what Mr Andrews' sister tells you if you meet her?' 

I glance over at him before nodding, my trust in him is starting to waiver, 'I will do' 

In about fifteen minutes we've reached my workplace, 'bye Oliver' I give him a soft smile, he sighs before raising his hand in a small wave and turning away, walking away. I walk into the main reception, giving the receptionist a slight nod in greeting as I walk straight towards the elevator and press the button for my floor. 

Do I still trust Oliver? I don't know, maybe he's right and maybe he did just go to the asylum to try and catch the killer, he is known in this town for being creepy and based on what I have seen in his house and worked with him on, he is very much interested in solving this case, or atlas, trying to. But his creepiness also works against him, is he creepy enough to be a serial killer? Maybe he has a personality disorder or something that has made him paint himself as the innocent but creepy guy just trying to solve the case, when in reality he is the one committing the crime? Is that why he has information on everyone in this town? Has he specifically targeted people that have done something wrong? He certainly knows enough about everyone to know if anyone had done something that he may have deemed to be bad, but would he kill them though? I don't really know. 

The elevator dings and the doors slide open, I smile at Allison and she grins back at me, her phone sandwiched between her ear and shoulder as her nails click against the keys on her keyboard. I walk to my office pushing the door open and stepping in, 'Oh, you scared me!' I exclaim. 

James stands just a meter in front of me, staring at me... no, glaring at me, 'why were you with that Oliver guy? I saw you with him from my office window just now outside the building, is that who you have been meeting on your breaks when you refused to have lunch with me?'

'I-I, yes' I stutter but I cannot lie, his jaw tenses and I shuffle uncomfortably, he's mad at me. 

He strides forward, his hands grip my forearms to hold me in place but his hold isn't painful, 'Eleanor I don't want you seeing him ever again, do you understand? You're mine, my woman and I don't like him, you will have lunch with me everyday from now on, ok?' 

His tone is assertive, leaving no room for argument, I nod whilst staring down at his shiny shoes and avoiding eye contact. 'Look at me' he says, I look up at him. 

We make eye contact, 'Yes' I nod again. My eyes widen in surprise as his face dives down, his lips pressing against mine, his arms encircling my waist, I close my eyes and melt into the kiss. I won't have lunch with Oliver anymore, but that doesn't mean I won't still meet with him outside of work hours, I'll just have to try to keep it a secret from James.


Sorry it took a while to update but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, let me know your current thoughts on Oliver, do you think he could be the killer or could he be innocent? VOTE&COMMENT

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