5:14-6:20 Part #2.

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I feel so gushy in my tummy. The guy that I liked that is my ex, said that he liked me. HE WANTS TO GO OUT AGAIN. AJDALKJKDKJAJ;AJKSKLJLKAJ. And I said yes. YES. But also he asked out my best friend a little while ago and she rejected him. I feel so weird, OH! and my best guy friend has a crush on one of my best friends. It's so cute! He wants me to tell her so I will. I can't wait to see them together. <3

And I can't stop listening to One Direction songs! And I'm such a creeper for saiyng this, but...


And my friend, Kailey, told me something that brought back some memories. She told me that I never payed attention to her last year because of my two best friends that I was always around. Let me just tell you, she talked behind my back, called me fat and ugly, and spread rumours. Now do you see why I was never around her? So I do have a reason to stay away from her. And another thing, our boys did amazing at the Olmypics. They've grown so fast. </3

Don't take this in a bad way because I pick on the boys as if they're my friends, but Niall's hair looks like it was his natural color, flipped inside out, dipped in bleach, and stuck on his head. IT'S FUCKING SEXY. ALKSKLSAKKJDJKAKJAKJFHKJD;JKADF. And Zayn went from the jock to the stoner kid. XD

And I may sound crazy saying this, but when I saw a knife in the kitchen I felt a huge urge to cut. I'm not depressed anymore and I don't know why it happened. I was on the phone with my best friend and I didn't say anything because she would flip. And no, I do not self-harm anymore.

Sorry I haven't been writing, I've started school again and homework is just ugh. I'll try to update as much as possible but I can't promise anything. I'm actually really hungry right now, but I'm too lazy to get up. lol. I have to go, my dad's home. Luv ya bubs! Stay strong. xx

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