Chapter One

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    I hear voices whispering when I wake up.

    "He was supposed to be the winner..." One says.

    I mentally glare. They must be talking about Cato. Seriously? No one was "supposed" to win. Unless of course, the Gamemakers decided that. Anyway, the people continue talking and I keep my eyes closed so they think I'm still sleeping.

    "Well you have to admit, she put up a real good fight, " The other voice says, almost reproachfully.

    Thank you! I think.

    "Still, " The first person begins, "she shouldn't have won. She doesn't have the skills that he does, and she lacks the attention-drawing personality he has." 

    "Well, thank you, " I say, rolling my eyes, "I really needed to hear your lame opinion about me. Such a refreshing thing, when you first wake up, after almost being killed."
    Two ladies, who, I'm assuming, were the ones that were speaking, look at me with wide eyes and visibly shocked expressions. They're both typical Capitol freaks. Crazy hair, makeup, and clothing.

    The one on the right, who has pink hair, bright yellow skin, and aqua makeup, introduces herself to me as Gazetta. She reminds me of a tropical bird, to be honest. As for the one on the left, she has metallic purple hair, violet eyes, and a golden dress, introduces herself to me as Cyleste.

    Obviously these people don't know how to deal with Victors. Why are they even here to begin with? They're not my prep team, they don't seem important, and they are definitely not nurses.

    "Great, " I respond in a bored tone after they introduce themselves, "What the heck are you doing in my room?"

    "Oh!" Cyleste exclaims, "We are your personal guardians until you reach your destination in District Two!"

    "But...that isn't for a few more days..." I mutter, more to myself than to them.

    Gazetta nods enthusiastically but I can see in her eyes, she'd much rather be attending to Cato. Speaking of Cato...the blonde brute enters my room looking quite smug in his hospital robe.

    "What do you want?" I demand.

    He takes an apple from the basket on my nightstand and takes a big bite. "Nice to see you too."

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cut the garbage, Cato. What do you want?" I repeat.

    "Just wanted to congratulate my fellow Victor, sheesh."

    "Oh, well you've congratulated me. Cyleste, Gazetta, this young child is bothering me. Make him leave." I demand, smirking.

    "Since I'm older than you...does that make you a baby?" Cato questions, cocking an eyebrow.

    "Just get out," I exasperatedly say.

    "I'm sorry, " Gazetta directs to Cato, opening the door, "You'll have to leave. You're upsetting the patient."

    "Oh? Well I'm pretty sure the patient is always grouchy and irritable like this, " Cato remarks, seeming slightly flustered.

    Glaring at him, I threaten, "If you don't get out in the next ten seconds I will rip your throat out."

    Cato briefly rubs his neck. "Ouch...okay. See you at the interviews then." He takes another bite of the apple then places it back in the basket and leaves the room.

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