Chapter Five

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    After an extremely long train ride, I am finally back home. Unfortunately, a lot of the people are not receiving the thought of two Victors well. Most of them think it's quite unfair, and a good handful of them think it's even worse that Cato and I are "engaged".

    They don't know we were forced to do this. They have no clue what stress we're under. Part of me wants to throw knives at all of them, the arrogant idiots. Thankfully, though, some people are quite happy there are two Victors this year.

    Cato's parents, however, are not in that group. They stand at the train station with cold stares and their arms crossed. They live in the upper part of town. I've met them before. Both of his parents are quite rude, arrogant, and opinionated.

    Obviously, they don't agree with Cato having to share the title of "Victor" with me, and even more so, I'm sure they're almost in a rage at the fact that Cato and I are getting married. Oh, believe me, I'm almost in a rage, too. Of course, they'll never know that.

    "So you're the girl that is ruining our son's life, " The woman, who happens to be his mother, hisses.
    I subconsciously clench my fists, and resist the urge I have to slit her throat. Putting on my best smile, I reply, "I'm sorry for being so irresistible."

    Cato gives a tight laugh and looks at me with warning eyes. " little kidder..." He ruffles my hair then kisses my cheek.

    The disgust on his parents' faces is quite visible. "Come on, we're going home, Cato, " Says his dad, reaching out to pull Cato away.

    Cato quickly steps back and shakes his head. "Sorry, Dad, " He replies, "I can't. I don't live with you guys anymore. Clove and I are sharing a house in the Victor's Village."

    His mom takes a step towards me. "You ruined our son!" She exclaims.

    I stifle a laugh. It's not like any of this is my fault. I have half a mind to tell her that I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one who gave birth to him. A smirk appears on my face at the thought of me saying that.

    "What's that look for?" His mom demands.

    "None of your business, " I retort.

    "Cato, why on earth would you be attracted to this lowlife scum?" His father incredulously asks.

    My ears are burning. "Lowlife scum"? Yeah, right. They're no different than I am. And the fact that they're willing to say that stuff right while I'm standing here makes me even more mad. I turn on my heels and march right out of the train station. I mean, I honestly shouldn't value their opinion. But I've never taken insults lightly.

    As soon as I'm about a block away from the station, I slow my pace. Maybe now would be a good time to check out my new house. I really hope Cato didn't follow me. That would just be embarrassing.

    I decide to go to my old house. Cato obviously wouldn't be brave enough to go down there. It's the poorer part of town. Bars and gangs everywhere. It doesn't bother me though. I know I can take care of myself if I get into trouble.

    Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whirl around, ready to attack. I drop my fists to my sides, slightly disappointed, when I see it's just Cato. He looks mad.

    His arms are now crossed, and a scowl etched into his face. "What was that stunt you just pulled?" He demands.

    "What are you talking about?" I reply, raising an eyebrow.

    "Being so rude to my parents and then running away...! That isn't going to do us any good!" He exclaims, flailing his arms.

     I scoff. "You're kidding me, right? I was simply defending myself against your freak parents."

   Cato's hand makes contact with my cheek with a loud SMACK. "Don't you dare say that!" He growls.

    "Don't touch me again!" I shout then continue walking down the street towards my house.

    "Hey! Don't walk away from me!"

    I glance over my shoulder and see him stalk after me. Smirking to myself, I continue walking - and ignoring - him. Good, let him be mad. It amuses me to see him so flustered. "Clove, get back here right now!" I hear him shout.

    In your dreams, I think and walk faster.

    "Clove!" He exclaims, and I feel a hand grasp my wrist.

    "Let go of me you weirdo!" I scream and try to get out of his reach.

    "No. We're going home, " He hisses, and suddenly I'm being hauled over his shoulder.

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