Chapter Six

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        A/N: Really short one. Sorry guys.

    "Put me down right now, you fiend!" I shout, pounding on Cato's back with my fists.

    "No! Quit whining! You're so annoying!" He yells, and quickens his pace.

    I growl and continue to pound on his back, but quickly stop when I see some people starting to stare at us. He's such an idiot. How dare he take me against my will! This is completely, and utterly unfair. I could have him arrested for this!

    As we near the Victor's Village, he quickens his pace even more. He's basically jogging. It annoys me because when he moves it bounces me up and down, which, by the way is pretty uncomfortable.

    He slows down and stops at house number sixteen. Balancing me with one hand, he uses his other hand to fish a key out of his pocket and twists it into the key hole on the front door of the house.

    After putting the key away, he opens the door, steps inside the house and puts me down. I look around. It's rather nice in here, actually. I'm sure there are lots of places for me to hide from him in here.

    The house is big enough for me to stay away from him, anyway. It's a little too fancy, in my opinion. Crystal chandeliers, leather seats, double staircases. I glance at Cato, who is preoccupied with looking around the kitchen and living room, then sneak up one of the staircases.

    He'll be distracted for at least another hour. Every room I peak my head into, is either too big, or too fancy. Or both. I stare in disgust as I look at the decor in one room. Bright, fluorescent lights, colorful carpet, bold furniture. Everything about this room screams "The Capitol". And. I. Hate. It.

    "Clove?" I hear Cato call.

    Can't I get some time to myself?! Goodness, he's like a lost puppy. "What?" I snap.

    I hear his heavy footsteps trudging up the stairs. He gives a short nod when he sees me. "Oh. Didn't know where you went. Next time, let me know where you're going. You're supposed to be my wife, not my child."

    "Since when do you care where I go?" I question, crossing my arms.

    "Um, since our relationship is the difference between life and death, " He replies, scoffing.

    "Right. Well, our 'relationship' is starting to get on my nerves. So lay off, " I growl.

    "Quit the attitude. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know!"

    "Why don't you make me?" I sneer, stepping towards him.

    He shoots me a glare. "I could, you know."

    "But you won't, " I answer. Instead of wating for him to say anything else, I walk back downstairs to explore the rest of the house.

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