Chapter Seven

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    Another short one. Sorry guys!

     After checking out the rest of the house, I sit downstairs on one of the couches in the living room, trying to stay as far away from Cato as possible, who is upstairs taking a shower. A couple minutes later, there's a knock on the front door.

     Scowling, I pick myself up off the sofa and answer the door. It's Raja. I blink, slightly surprised. What is she doing here? She's supposed to be in the Capitol; not on my front porch. "Err...Can I help you...?" I ask.

   Raja grins then lets herself inside the house. "No, just making sure you both are quite comfortable in your new home."

    This is one of those times when I actually wish Cato was around. I put on my best smile. "Yeah, we've settled in just fine, thanks." Now, please...GO AWAY.

    She walks over to the kicthen and drums her fingers on the granite counter tops. "So, where is your counterpart anyway?"

    My what? Oh, she must be talking about Cato. I mentally roll my eyes. "Oh, he's-"

    "Right here."

    I turn my head to the direction where the voice is coming from, and see Cato strolling towards us. In his boxers. "What are you doing, " I hiss, "Put some clothes on!" Of course, then I remember, I'm supposed to be acting all mushy.

    Cato smirks. "Why? Too much for you to handle?"

    "Cato, we have a guest. Go put some clothes  on, " I order in a strained voice.

    He huffs then trudges back up the stairs. I turn to Raja, "Sorry about that..."

    "Oh, no!" Raja exclaims, "It's perfectly alright. I should probably leave you two lovebirds alone, anyway."

    I laugh slightly. "Yeah...well...thanks for stopping by."

    Raja gives a small nod before leaving the house. She's quite odd, if you ask me. I mean, really, why on earth would she come here? Sure, she said she came to see if we were comfortable, but honestly, if we weren't, then, we'd complain.

    A few seconds later, Cato comes stomping down the stairs adjusting the collar on his shirt. "Where'd what's-her-face go?" He demands.

    "Oh, she just left, " I reply.

    "So, basically, I got dressed for nothing?" He questions, folding his arms and looking slightly annoyed.

    I stifle a laugh and shake my head, "No, not for nothing. I'd prefer to see you with clothes on."

    "Sure. What'd that lady want anyway?"

    "I really don't know. Does it matter?" I sneer.

    "Yeesh, it was just a question, don't bite my head off, Cloverbells, " He remarks, smirking.

    A scoff escapes my lips, as I'm slightly taken aback. "W...what did you just call me?"

    "Cloverbells, " He replies, playing with a strand of my hair.

    I immediately smack his hand away. "Knock it off! There aren't any cameras. We don't need to act all dumb."

    My blonde companion rolls his eyes. "I know that, " He states, "But, it's just so funny to see you irritated."

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