Chapter Ten

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    YO! MusicxLove here, and it's time for Story Time With Your Fellow Author c: *le sigh* Before I start writing chapter ten, I'd like to vent on how incredibly tired I a- what? Shut up and get on with the story? Well...aren't you just rude.


    Cato actually apologized to me. Isn't that something. I can feel my lips twisting into a smug smirk as my mind replays his apology over and over in my head. Usually, I'd be the one apologizing. But no, this time, it's the other way around. And. It. Feels. Good. Part of me wants to pretend like I didn't understand what he just said, and make him repeat it. But by the look on my face, I know he knows I've heard.

    He looks at me expectantly, like I should have this speech ready about how I forgive him for being a big poop face and for destroying half the house. Really, though, there's not much to say. So I simply reply, "It's okay. We all know what a jerkweed you are."

    Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Just watch him go into a state of depression because of it. I decide to walk over to the couch and sit down next to him, then nudge his shoulder. "Hey, Blondie, you okay?" Yeah, I've never been really good with the whole "sympathy" thing.

    "No, " He grunts in response, then runs a hand through his hair.

    " you want to talk about it?" I ask, giving him a lopsided grin.

    It takes him a few seconds to answer. "...Yes."

    Wait, what? He actually wants to vent his feelings to me? What the heck is going on? Who is this and what have they done with Cato? Besides, when someone asks "Do you want to talk about it?", it really means "Quit acting so depressed and get over it". Basically an empty gesture.

    I give him a stiff nod. "Okay...go on then."

    Cato sighs, then begins, "This is not how I pictured winning the Games. There's just so much stress and it feels like I'm being tied down. Plus the fact that you act so demanding doesn't really help. And then what happened to my parents...I don't know. I feel like I'm going crazy."

    Okay...I have to admit, I wasn't really paying attention to anything Cato had just said. I was a little more preoccupied with the flash of blue hair I saw by the window. I get off the couch and march over to the front door, open it, and peek outside. And what do you know? There stands Raja looking as irritating as ever, with her hand extended as if she were about to know on the door.

    "Can I help you?" I demand, tapping my foot impatiently.

    "Actually, I was hoping to speak to Cato, " She replies, beaming.

    I begin to close the door. "Sorry. This isn't a good time. Please come back in the hour of never."

    Raja sticks her foot out to keep the door from closing, and as if right on cue, Cato gets up from the couch and opens the door again. "Oh...hey, it's you. What's your name again?" He asks, tilting his head sideways.

    "Raja, " She replies, practically shoving me out of the way, "Cato, I need to speak with you privately, if that's alright."

    My blonde companion nods, and Raja tells him to follow her. I watch the two walk out of the house and down the street. What could be so important that even I don't get to be in on the conversation?


    The next few days are quite odd. Cato's been acting extremely strange; nervous, fidgety and very secretive. He hasn't even insulted me once! No snide remarks, no smirks...nothing. My lips form into a frown as I think about this. I was planning on confronting him today. Unfortunately, those plans were foiled by my prep team, who showed up at the house to help me with my dress fitting.

    Currently, a silky sleeveless dress with a long train is being slipped over my head. It's the only one I really like so far. It's simple and not too girly. I've already tried on a total of four dresses. All of which were either too frilly, too uncomfortable, too shapely (If you know what I mean), or all of the above. But I really like the one I have on.

    I turn to my stylist, who is getting the next dress, which from what I can see, is decked out in pearls, lace, and white floral designs, ready. "I like the one I have on, " I declare.

    He claps his hands together in ecstatic joy. "Oh, goody! I knew you would like that one! My, my, darling, you just look fabulous in that!"

    I mentally roll my eyes. I said I liked it, not that I was obsessed with it. "Thanks, " I reply, then my mind wanders to Cato, who lacked seeing me in my dresses. My prep team insisted that it would be better for the whole thing to be a surprise.

    Next, my prep team decides it's time to decide what type of makeup scheme will go best with my dress. Yay. My favorite part. The team continuously asks me if I like the look and I refrain myself from saying that I hate all makeup.

    By the end of the day, I'm sick of their stupid, idiotic voices, sick of all the makeup that I've seen, and even sick of the beautiful dress that I've picked out.

    I slip into my usual clothing, then practically run to the kitchen, and grab some food. Not even five minutes later, a familiar blonde makes his way into the kitchen and sits down at the dining table. "So, how was it?" He asks, grabbing an apple from a nearby basket.

    "It was alright, " I answer thoughtfully, "It got a bit tiring towards the end, though."

    He merely nods and I take this as an opportunity to question him, "Cato?"


    "What are you not telling me?"

    He looks hesitant. "I'm not hiding anything, Clove."

    I fold my arms defiantly. "Yes you are, you're not acting yourself at all. And I hate to say this, but, it's kinda worrying me."

   He raises an eyebrow. "You do realize that'd mean you have to care about me, right?"

   "Well...ugh...I- hey! We're getting off track. Just tell me what you're hiding."

   "I told you, " He says forcefully, "I'm. Not hiding. Anything."

   "Yes you are! Don't deny it! What did that blue-haired freak tell you or make you do!" I demand.

   "Oh, goodness, don't tell me you're jealous."

   "What the heck?! J...jealous! You think I'm jealous?! You're demented! I'm just mad! You and I both know that there's something wrong with that Capitol freak."

    Cato groans and slams his head down on the table. "She just asked me a couple of freaking questions! Can you quit the interrogation now?"

    "What kind of questions?" I press, ignoring his last comment.

    He looks up at me and rolls his eyes. "Just stuff about the wedding. Geez, woman."

    A/N: Okay that's it for now c:

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