Chapter Twelve

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    So my one friend (not gonna name names) was being a complete poop face and attempted to guess at my epical ending to this story. DON'T WORRY. She guessed completely wrong. No lie. But I love her anyway<3 ANYWAAAY. On with the story, my tributes! BTW: My other friend (The one who came up with the ending, told me to rate this story PG-13 so yeah:)

    "Shh do you want them to hear us?" Cato hisses from his crouched position next to me.

    After about a half hour of messing around, arguing, and getting lost, we'd found a couple sitting near the quarries being all mushy and stuff. You know, holding hands, rubbing noses, kissing...blech. Fortunately, they made perfect targets. Cato insisted on taking the guy, and left me with the girl.

    They are both around my age and go to the training center. They're not particularly good when it comes to anything that requires the use of a brain, but I'm going to admit, they've got a lot of strength. So they'll put up a good fight.

    "Oh be quiet, I'm not doing anything wrong..." I mutter and take out a long, eight inch knife with a curved blade that reflects the moonlight. It looks vicious.

    "Whoa, sorry, I'll be quiet..." Cato murmurs, scooting away from me.

    I mentally roll my eyes then focus on planning a good attack. I figure that if I come up from behind them, I can surprise them. But if I come within range of their vision, they'll be prepared to fight. Decisions, decisions...

    Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cato jump up and casually stroll towards them. "Nice night for a date, " He muses.

    The couple turns their heads and looks up in shock at Cato standing over them with his sword in hand, and his lips twisted into a rather smug smirk. The girl stands up and starts backing away, towards me, completely unaware that I'm hiding within three feet of her.

    I stand up and push her back towards Cato and the boy, who's reaching for a short sword of his own.  "Where do you think you're going?" I sneer at the girl, stepping towards her carefully, aiming my knife at her throat.

    "Leave her alone, Clove, " Her date says forcefully.

    I look at him and let out a bitter laugh. "Aww isn't that're trying to defend her...that's too bad...kind of a wasted gesture, if you ask me..."

    The boy clenches his fists and starts to walk towards me, but Cato shoves him to the ground with his sword aimed at the boy's heart. While I'm distracted watching this, the girl takes this as an opportunity, and punches me right in the jaw.

    My attention snaps towards her, and I am vaguely aware that she now has a knife out and is lunging towards me. I jump out of the way and watch her tumble to the ground, only to regain her footing not even a second later and lunge at me again.

    This time, she tackles me to the ground and I am fighting to keep her knife away from me. Bringing my own knife up, I slash her across the throat. Blood immediately runs down her neck and spurts everywhere, and she falls limp on me. I shove her off and stand up. Cato and the boy are still fighting.

    The two are pretty equal in size, but it's quite obvious that Cato is the dominant one in this fight. Cato swings his sword at the boy's head, and the boy brings his own sword up to block his attack.

    Eventually, the boy manages to repel Cato by kicking him in the stomach, allowing him a few seconds for a respite.

    Cato picks himself off the ground from where he has fallen because of being kicked, and looks more determined than ever, now. He knocks the sword from the boy's hands with a force I have never seen from him before, and shoves his own sword through the boy's heart.

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