Chapter Twenty

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    Hey there c: heh heh so this is the last chapter, and, I'm going to try to make it really long and full of detail. I hope you cry. Okay, that sounded a little...weird, but, it's true. I hope you get so sad that it just causes your eyes to explode with tears. THANK YOU, to everyone who voted/commented, y'all rock. And thanks to my friend, i_heart_music98, who gave me the idea for this ending. Thanks for reading, really, it means a lot to me! 


    I awake with a start, and wipe a cold sheet of sweat off my forehead, then glance at the clock. 7:19 A.M. Today is the day that my life could possibly end. Slipping out of my bed, my feet hit the cold floor, sending a shiver up my spine. Surprisingly, when I glance out the window, it's still relatively dark out, but that's only because the sky is clouded with thick, gray clouds that give off an eerie feeling.

    My feet make a muffled pattering sound when I make my way across the room, and I head down the hall towards the bathroom to wash up for the day. When I turn the faucets on, I notice that my hands are actually shaking and there is an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

    I quickly splash some warm water on my face, then dry with a towel, and brush my teeth. I don't bother coming my hair or try to make myself look pretty, because my prep team will be here within a few hours to do all of that for me. 

    After I finish washing up, I decide to take a walk around the district - just in case this is the last day I'll ever see it.

    Before heading out, I slip on some black cargo shorts, and a gray v-neck tee, then grab a hoodie off of a hook on my wall.

    Silently, I head down the stairs, and leave the house, shutting the door behind me. 

    The air is crisp, and blows rather forcefully, signalling that a storm is probably on its way. Not that I mind; I kind of like storms. 

    Zipping up my jacket and pulling the hood over my head, I begin briskly walking down one of the sidewalks with my head down, to try and avoid the cold chill of the wind. I pass the training center and give it a quick glance, feeling a pang of sorrow inside me. I might never see this place again.

    Next, I pass the actual school that I have never really visited, except during the summer. I have never had time to go there because of training, which caused me to have to go to summer school numerous times.

    Eventually, I make it down to the quarries and a small smile creeps up my face. Cato and I had been here not too long ago. Blood stains are still visible on the rocks, which surprisingly brings pleasant memories to me - as demented as that sounds.

    Later that day, I make it back to the house and the clock reads 8:37 A.M

   By the time I get back, Cato is finally up, and his prep team is already surrounding him, and his yelps of terror can be heard from all the way in the living room where I am.


    "I don't remember it being this disgusting!" I exclaim, gesturing to all the goop on my face.

    "That's because President Snow had the order changed again, Clove." One of the ladies said.

   Oh. He had it changed again, did he? Well, I hope he likes it, because, I think it's extremely hideous - and by hideous I mean, too angelic and girly. My prep team has my eyes decked out in a soft black eyeliner, along with gray eyeshadow and loads of mascara. They've also applied a soft pink blush too my cheeks, and a clear lip gloss.

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