Chapter Three

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    After the interview, I confront Cato about what happened. I pick up a butter knife from a nearby table and aim it at his head. "What the heck was that?!" I demand, "We're from freaking District Two, we're not supposed to act like those freaks from Twelve, you idiot!"

    "Hey!" He exclaims, "Watch the attitude! And anyway, I'm just glad you had the brains to play along. It wasn't exactly a walk-in-the-park experience for me, either."

    "Well, why was that even necessary?! We already won! We don't need some idiotic love story!" I glare and grip the knife tighter, getting ready to throw it at him. It may be a bit dull, but it'll still hurt if it hits him.

    He merely shrugs. "Maybe I felt like entertaining the Capitol."

    I scoff. How stupid does he think I am? "Oh, really, " I remark, rolling my eyes, "Because, when we first got here, if I recall correctly, you said you'd never do anything to "entertain those creepy Capitol people", Blondie."

  Cato scans the area for people, then grabs my arm and yanks me into a broom closet. I immediately yank my arm away and head for the door, but he slams his hand against it, holding it shut.

    "What, exactly, do you think you're doing?" I inquire.

    "We're being watched, " He says in a low voice, as if he's afraid someone will hear him.

    "Of course we're being watched, we were just on T-"

    "No! Shh, that's not what I meant. Lower your voice..."

    "Only if you explain what's going on."

    Cato takes a deep breath, then begins, "President Snow isn't exactly, shall we say, happy that we won. See, the Capitol wanted those District Twelve losers to win. You know, cause of the whole love story thing. So, Snow came to me, and he told me, if we couldn't top that, then, well...bad things would happen."

    I wait a few moments then erupt with laughter. "You're kidding me, right? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! He can't kill us if we're not in love!" 

    My blonde companion crosses his arms, almost defensively, and replies, "Well, it's true. Snow wants the Capitol to like their Victors, so we have to step it up a bit." 

    "What if I refuse?"

    "Then you're going to die."

    "That seems kind of harsh. I mean, there'll be a new Victor next year, and then the Capitol will forget all about us." 

     "A year is a long ways away. So just play along with it for now. Try not to get us both killed. I know how...careless you can be sometimes..."

    "Oh, please. I'm more cautious than you are!"

    He shakes his head. "No, not really. Anyway, Enobaria talked to me. She's going to help us put it over the top. So...we've decided, that umm..."

    "That what, Cato? Spit it out."

    "We're going to pretend that we're getting married. Okay?"

    "WHAT? No. No way! I am not doing that! That's horrific!"

    "It doesn't matter, you don't have a choice; Enobaria already told President Snow. He's paying for the whole wedding, " Cato pauses and coughs, then continues, "Your dress fitting is in a couple days."

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