Chapter Sixteen

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    I PROMISE Y'ALL THAT THIS'LL BE A GOOD CHAPTER. Also, in other, boring, stupid news, I am probably going to write another story (it'll be a Percy Jackson fanfic probably, so yeah). I'm really excited about it and I'm probably gonna start it after I finish this story. So yeah, keep your eyes open for it!

    It's been a week since that morning when I woke up with that horrendous bite, and fortunately, the swelling has gone down quite a lot, and I no longer have a fever or any of the other gross symptoms that had to do with the bite. Cato had taken up the role of doing anything and everything for me, and now, I had him cornered in the living room with my knife at his neck.

   Let me explain, despite him taking care of me, he's been acting extremely weird. I mean, really weird. Even for Cato. He's been all nervous, fidgety, and keeps mumbling things all the time. It's like his possessed or something. And now, he carries his favorite sword with him all the time. Even in the house. 

   I've tried to get him to tell me what exactly it is that's making him so...ADHD worthy. Of course, he denied everything that I pinned on him. Including my very well thought-out theory that he was off with what's-her-face, Aden, or whatever.

   And of course, me being me, I kept on arguing with him until he told me I was just being paranoid, which eventually led me to pin him against one of the walls in the living room and hold one of my knives to his throat. "Tell me, you little liar!" I fumed, pressing the knife harder,

    Cato lets out a low groan, and the expression on his face clearly shows that he's beyond irritated. "There's nothing to tell, Clove! I've already told you everything!"

    An irritated huff escapes my lips and I step back and throw my knife at a wall across the room. It lodges itself into one of the paintings of the Capitol. "If you don't tell me what I want to know, I swear I'm going to cut out your intestines and choke you with them, " I threaten, clenching my fists and stepping away from Cato.

    Cato presses his lips together in a thin line, and scrunches his eyebrows together as he stares intently at me. I fold my arms and ask impatiently, "What?"

    "I'll tell you." He says simply.

    I purse my lips and wave my hand as a cue for him to begin explaining. He looks me right in the eyes, then begins, "All this stuff, you know, me acting all's because we're being watched-"

    "I know we're being watched. You told me that before we came home."

    He nods. "I know...but, this is different. See Raja, I found out she's a sort of like a spy for Snow. She watches us and our 'love behavior' around each other, then reports back to him. Apparently, we're not doing a really good job right now. And Aden - she's not really who she says she is."

    "She's Raja, I know."

    "How'd you know?" He aks, tilting his head.

    I shrug. "Something about her just seemed extremely familiar."

    "Yeah. Anyway, the spider, that was in your room awhile ago, well, Aden - or Raja, sent it there. I knew it was her from the moment I saw it. It sort of got me mad. I didn't think she'd go so overboard to get information, but she did. And whatever bit you, that was her work too, I'm assuming."

    "Oh, yeah. I did see her set down a bug or something when we saw her last."

    "Right. Also, I didn't go to training, when I said I did. I went to go and sort things out with Raja. The wedding, um, well, they kind of moved the date up. It's going to be in a week and a half now instead of after the Victory Tour."

    I let the words sink in for a second. Me. Being married. In a week and a half. Even if Cato and I are getting along now, there's still no way that I love him like that. I mean, it'll be easier, now that we're not trying to rip each others' heads off...but still. 

    "Well what happens if our performance is know, like too poor. Before the wedding, that is." I reply, raising my eyebrows.

  It takes him awhile to answer. "The letter I got. The one that I shredded, well, it was sort of a deadline. Basically, if we don't get our act together before the wedding, then, there's only going to be one Victor. Whether we're married or not."

    I let out a shaky sigh, swallow hard, and nod. "Well...I guess we better step up our game."

    He puts a hand up. "Hold on, I'm not done yet." 

    "Alright...go on then."

    "There's another way. We wouldn't have to get married or anything. We'd be completely safe. We'd just have to provide some information and services..." 

    I nod attentively and wait for him to continue.

    Cato wets his lips before going on, "District Thirteen contacted me a few days ago an-"

    "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Cato, District Thirteen doesn't exist."

    "That's what Snow wants everyone to think. But it exists. Trust me, okay? Anyway, they'll let us stay there and provide us with everything we need as long as we feed them the information they want..." He lowers his voice, "...and lead the next rebellion."

    A hard lump forms in my throat and my voice seems to falter. "Rebellion?" I croak, "Whose side are you on anyway?"

    "Look, I know this is hard to understand, but think about it, the Capitol has taken everything from us, Clove. If they were overthrown..."

    I shake my head. "You're insane. It would never work. If the Capitol knows District Thirteen is still out there, then they probably know they're planning another attack. Use your brain, Cato. Don't just think of the pros to this situation." 

    "We'd win. I know it. Especially if we led the rebellion. Besides, what have we got to lose? We've already lost our families and freedom."

    He's got a point there... "You're right, " I say after awhile, "but that doesn't mean we can just rush into anything. We've got to think about other things. What if this is a trap? What if Thirteen doesn't exist, and this is some kind of test from the Capitol? Cato, you have to take these things into question."

   Cato crosses his arms. "I have. And I know this is the right thing to do. I can feel it. Come on, please just agree with me."

    He has a pleading glint in his eyes, and his lips are ever-so-slightly parted. Nevertheless, I shake my head. "I need time." 

   With that, I turn and head upstairs to my room, grab some other clothes then go into the bathroom to take a shower. 

    The hot water pours over me and feels exceptionally rejuvenating. Unfortunately, it doesn't make my thoughts any clearer. Thirteen. He wants us to go to Thirteen. That's just insane. He's insane. The Capitol's insane. Maybe I'm even a little insane.

    He already knows where I stand with going. He knows my opinion on it. Yet he continues to fight against me. A small part of me, though, feels that maybe...just maybe, he's right. 

   The Capitol has taken just about everything from us. Our families, our freedom, practically our lives. But that doesn't necessarily mean that we should just up and set war upon them. I mean, we still have a chance. We just have to convince everyone that we're inseparable freaks of love.

    A/N: KAAAY. So, this, obviously is one of the last chapters in this fanfic. (There'll probably be about five more). It sort of set the tone for the rest of this story. I hope you guys like it. ALSO, constructive criticism is much wanted. So PLEASE give me your completely honest feedback (I've been extremely happy with the feedback I've gotten recently though c:). Your likes, dislikes, suggestions, etc...I want it all haha. I really want to improve my writing skills, so your comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

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