Chapter Seventeen

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  Yo! LightningThief94 here with a new chapter hot off the presses. Yeah, I'm a dweeb...but whatever. So, I'm in a really good writing mood (aka I'm-so-mad-I-could-probably-pull-a-Cato-and-snap-someone's-neck-but-that's-beside-the-point), yeah, when I'm mad I tend to write slightly better than I usually do, aha.

    The next day was exceptionally horrible. Thick, black clouds filled the sky and heavy wet raindrops pelted the ground as if they were holding some personal grudge against it. The wind had knocked several trees over, had even caused some of the old quarries to crumble a little bit.

    Looking out the window, I decided that maybe today was a good day...or maybe it was just a day that went along with how my life was going so far. Cato had given me my space, which I'm extremely glad about, but I can tell he's practically dying to know my decision.

   A new wave of rain pounded against the window, and I got off my window sweat and headed downstairs to the living room, where Cato was sitting on one of the couches, drumming his fingers on his of his many nervous habits.

     I cross the room and sit down next to him, eventually asking, "What is it?" 

     "I think you know the answer to that." He mumbles.

    He's right, of course, but, I felt like I was obligated to ask why he was acting so weird again. The Games have changed him almost completely. He's not as cocky anymore. He's more nervous, impulsive, and fidgety now. Another thing is, he hasn't even threatened to mutilate me in a long time.

   I'm not sure if I necessarily like it. I mean sure, if he was just normal and didn't threaten to mutilate me, and wasn't cocky, then yeah, I'd totally agree with his behavior. But I really don't agree with how he's acting now.

  It makes me anxious, like I'm always on my toes. Expecting the unexpected. We hardly go anywhere, unless it's to the store or to train for fun. Cato claims that it's better to stay inside because we won't have to deal with the annoying people who all want our autographs or to tell us to kill ourselves because we're not supposed to be in love. But I think it's because he doesn't want to run into Raja.

    I nervously bite my lip and become very interested in the carpetting. "Well..." I begin slowly, "It's not like you can expect me to just make a decision this quickly. I mean, it could mean life or death."

    "Everything we do already could mean life or death."

   "I know that, but I really don't think this is the right thing to do. Let's just play through with this whole 'in love' thing, and see what happens."

    "Whatever." He grumbles and gets up from the couch.

    Thunder rumbles loudly in the distance and I can tell we're in for a rough rest of the day. 


    It's hours later after my conversation with Cato, and the storms are still going strong. The size of the bite on my foot has reduced quite a lot, but it has started oozing puss every now and then and I'm not sure if that's good or not. I'm thinking not.

    A heavy sigh escapes my lips, and grab a bottle of pills from one of the cabinets. I have a strong headache coming on...not that I'm surprised. I'm under more stress than I was before the Games. And I hate to say this, but, the days in the arena and before, were actually the good days.

    If I had known winning would be like this then, maybe, I wouldn't have volunteered. Or maybe I would have just killed Cato in the bloodbath, I don't know! I can barely think right now.

   Eventually, nighttime rolls in, and the thunderstorms have gotten slightly better, but there has been a flood warning. All citizens have been ordered to stay inside their houses or find shelter, until the storms pass.


    I jump slightly and turn around to see Cato standing there, shifting uncomfortably, back and forth on his feet. "Hey, " I reply, walking over to him.

    "Listen, uh, " He stammers, "I'm sorry for being a jerkweed's just-"

    "The stress, " I finish for him, "I know. It's getting to me, too."

    "Well what are we going to do about it?"

    I mentally sigh. Deja vu. I feel like I've had this conversation multiple times before. "The blood's already on the blade. There's really nothing we can do."

   Cato looks at me like I'm some sort of foreign creature sent from outer space to suck out his soul. "What?" I demand, tilting my head.

    "What kind of a saying is that?" He remarks, referring to my little "blood on the blade" comment.

    "It just means that we're already in this situation and we're going to fight through it. Goodness."

    He laughs for what seems like the first time in awhile, and I hate to admit it, but it feels good to hear him laugh. Soon, I find myself staring at him. I notice the way his hair is never styled, but always looks great in that messy sort of way.

    His eyes are the most amazing shade of blue I have ever seen, and that boyish smile I see every once in awhile is just...WHOA. What am I doing?! I must be going crazy. I don't look at Cato any other way other than an acquaintance.

    But I can't help it. I keep staring.

   And somewhere in my subconsciousness, I am vaguely aware that Cato is staring at me, too...and stepping closer to me.

    Time seems to slow down and I see Cato leaning down so we're face to face. A trace of a smile plays on his lips, his eyes actually look filled with happiness for once, and seem to look even more attractive. He brings his hand up and gently tucks some loose strands of hair behind one of my ears.

    I lean in.

    He leans in.

    I hesitate at the last second when his lips graze mine, but before I know it, we're sharing our first real kiss...and....I like it. It feels right.

    After a few seconds, he pulls back and straightens back up to his full height. I can feel a blush creeping up my cheeks when he smiles at me. I return the smile, and suddenly the trance seems to be broken.

    He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "I...umm...sorry...I shouldn't have done that..." He coughs.

    I blink. "What? Oh...oh! N-no, no, it was fine. There's probably some hidden camera around here it's all good..."

    He laughs, this time nervously. "Right, right. Yeah, I gotcha..."

    "Well...see you around!" I exclaim, then shut my bedroom door in his face.

    OH MY GOODNESS, I think, What the heck did I just do?! He's going to hate me! No, no, I can't think like this. I don't care if Cato hates me or not...I don't care...

    Feeling disgusted with my thoughts, I decide to go to bed early, to try and erase the memory of everything that happened.  It doesn't work, of course. So I lie there, thinking about Cato and his perfect-messy hair, with his gorgeous blue eyes, and brilliant smile.

    AN: Oh, my gosh. You do not know how much it PAINED me to write this chapter. Anyone who knows me knows I hate sappy yeah. Well, actually I don't know if this chapter was considered "sappy" in all of your opinions, but to me, it was. Meh. I felt like they needed a little scene together before, never mind. 

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