Chapter Two

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    Later that evening, I'm back at the Capitol and being plucked and hosed down for my interview with Caeser Flickerman tonight. Oh, not only that, but I get my Victor's crown. A smug smirk appears on my lips before I am snapped out of my thoughts when one of the members from my prep team plucks my eyebrows again.

    "Ow!" I exclaim, "Watch it, will you?!"

    I really don't get the point of this. It's only one night, and, it's not like anyone is going to care what I look like anyway. All they want, are their winners. Winners. Plural. Not winner like it was supposed to be.

    Honestly, do they think I'm an idiot? Just because Cato's bigger and stronger than I am does not mean he fits the definition of "Victor" any better than I do. I'm smarter, faster, and more resourceful than he is.

    While I'm getting dried off with a towel, Cato pokes his head into the room.

    "Oh, get out of here!" I screech.

    "Relax, drama queen. Just wanted to see how you're doing, " Cato replies, then leans against the door frame.
    My prep team slips a violet dress over my head then begins working on my hair and makeup.

    "Cato, " I try, "you need to learn your boundaries. You can't just come barging in here whenever you feel like it."

    "Look, Clovely, back in District Two, it never bothered you when I quote on quote "barged in". So quit getting your panties in a twist, and lighten up, " Cato challenges, scoffing.

    Now the prep team is dabbing some silver goop onto my eyelids. "Well, Blondie, you have to understand that I'm not the same person I was back in Two, " I state as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, "I've changed, and I like my privacy."

    Cato raises his arms in mock surrender. "Alright, I'm gone, " muttering under his breath he adds, "so uptight..."

    He exits, and in a few hours, I'm once again encountering him. This time, it's on a couch on stage with Flickerman. Cato's holding my hand. Why is he holding my hand? Doesn't he understand that I don't like my space being invaded?

    "So, Cato, " Caeser begins, "It seems that you and Clove are getting along much better, now that you're out of the arena." He gestures to our intertwined hands.

    "Oh, yeah, definitely, " Cato replies, looking at me, "When I was in the arena, I just...I had to push her away, you know? Because if anything happened to her...maybe I wouldn't feel as bad."      

    The audience "aww"s, then questions start shouting out. "Then why'd you try to kill her?!" The crowd demands.

    "Well, you hear them, Cato. Why?" Caeser questions.

    "I guess I was starting to crack under the pressure, " Cato says softly, "Well, that and I had a few berries I didn't recognize and was starting to feel weird." He chuckles.

    Caeser then turns to me. "What about you, Clove? Why did you try to kill him?"

    The question sort of catches me off guard, and I'm about to say I tried to kill him because I had my heart set on winning, but something in Cato's eyes tells me to play along with what he's saying.

    "Well..." I slowly begin, "I suppose, it was an attempt at self defense...of course, I would never want to kill Cato. But when I saw how much damage I had done...I just wanted to put him out of his misery. Unfortunately, I was too weak to do that."

    Caeser nods briefly then turns back to Cato again and asks, "Now why, Cato, do you seem to care about Clove so much?"

    "I...It's because...I...I love her..." He murmurs, turning his face away from the camera.

    WHAT? What did he just say?! Okay, okay, keep calm, Clove. Breathe! Breathe! Don't let the surprise and shock register on your face! Just breathe! Deep breaths...deep breaths...

    "-eel about that, Clove?"

    "Huh?" I turn my head towards Caeser.

    "I asked you how you felt about that, " Caeser replies, smiling slightly.

    I give Cato's hand a squeeze. "I love him too."

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