Chapter 5- Giant Queen vs Celestial Mage

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Diane was standing out in the middle of the field, waiting for Lucy to come out to fight. However, Lucy was apparently so scared she was trying her best to hide.

"I-I d-don't wanna f-fight her, I'm too cute to die!" The Celestial mage cried out, tearing up on the spot and falling to her knees.

"Really Lucy? Come on, look at her, she's just a regular girl, so she's harmless!" Gray said, trying to explain that there was nothing to fear.

Lucy stayed thinking for a few seconds, until taking a big sigh of reluctance and walking into the open field.

"Our second fight will now be between Diane of the Seven Deadly Sins vs Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail!" Makarov shouted, causing everyone to yell in excitement.

Before they began, Diane turned to Merlin and shouted at her.

"Merlin, can you... y'know...?"

"Hm?... ah yes, of course..."

With that, Merlin raised her hand, aiming it at Diane.


Diane now stared growing really big, causing her clothes to be ripped to shreds and making all the men in Fairy Tail have huge nosebleeds due to her new nakedness.


Merlin shouted again, this time clothing Diane with a giant dress with open shoulders, a skirt, matching boots and giant gloves that covered most of her forearms. She also received a giant bronze hammer which she grabbed instantly and placed in front of her for a defensive stance.

At the scenes that just occurred and the results of them, Lucy now stared at the 30 foot girl and shook uncontrollably in her presence.

"HOW IS THAT A LITTLE GIRL?!" Lucy shouted, hinting at some blame at Gray for convincing her it wouldn't be so bad.

"Let the fight... BEGIN!"

Wasting no time, Diane lifted her giant hammer up,, only to swing it straight down in hopes of getting a direct hit on the Celestial Mage. Luckily however, Lucy managed to dodge, and the giant weapon missed her by an inch.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE!" She shouted in great terror.

"Heh, looks like it'll be a quick one..." Ban said, watching the blonde girl run around the field in complete fear.

"Yep, I was really hoping something better would happen..." Meliodas admitted, giggling at the fight.

The constant scene of Diane swinging and Lucy dodging kept going for a few minutes, until Lucy finally pulled out on of her Celestial Keys in order to fight back.


With a flash of light and sound of bells, a man with a formal black suit, spiky ginger hair and stylish glasses appeared, crossing his arms together with a cocky smirk.

"Don't know who this guy is, but his power level is 12,510." Hawk said, examining the spirit's power level.

"Hey there baby, looks like your knight in shining armor is back for you again..." The Lion Zodiac greeted, making Lucy sweatdrop at his usual ladies man persona.

"Less passion and more bashing, help me fight this huge girl" Lucy commanded, pointing towards Diane, making Leo turn his head towards the mentioned giant. Instead of reacting with hostility however, he suddenly developed hearts in his eyes.

"Well hello there beautiful, my name's Leo, wanna have dinner sometime s-?" He opened with, only to be cut-off when he was crushed under a huge blow from Gideon, delivered by a very disinterested and annoyed looking Diane.

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