Chapter 22- Sins in a world of Mages

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It took nearly a whole week of travel over continents, somehow even longer than how the Boar Hat group travelled over. From the use of trains, boats and carts (King used 'Disaster' to erase Natsu's motion sickness for good as an act of mercy and to avoid irritation from the young mage), they finally arrived back into Fiore once again, the land of absolute mystery and wonder, where the Magic Council runs all magic affairs, and magic is fundamental to daily life for most, yet a respected art for those dedicated to embracing the gift, the mage guilds of Fiore, with Fairy Tail being at the pinnacle of them all.

Currently they managed to arrive at the capital of Fiore itself, Crocus, land of Queen Hisui Fiore, who had recently inherited the throne by order of the previous king, her father. The Boar Hat group found themselves dazzled at the size and architecture of the might city, which could easily rival Liones in size and possibly power. What amazed Meliodas most of all was the giant cylinder dome-structure that stood central of the whole area, appearing to be some kind of arena or colosseum which was unmissable no matter where you were in the city, with proof as Team Natsu gave a formal tour of all the sights.

"Hey, what's that huge arena over there?" Meliodas asked.

"Oh, that's the 'Domus Flau' colosseum, the location for which the annual Magic Games take place in this country." Lucy answered.

"Wait, 'magic games'?" King asked.

"Yeah! Every year all the guilds enter to compete for the official rights of being labelled as the 'strongest guild in Fiore', as well as a grand prize of 30,000,000 jewel!" Natsu yelled.

"Oh my, you know a single gold coin is worth 50 jewel, so it would be 600,000 gold coins in Britannia." Elizabeth said, displaying her knowledge of currency comparison.

Meliodas couldn't say anything, instead standing unconscious with his mouth producing foam at the thought of winning 600,000 gold coins just like that every year. The last time he was this dazzled was when he found out he could've sold Lostvayne for at least 100 times as much he actually sold it for. Unable to take the information, he fell over in shock, with Elizabeth kneeling over him in concern.

"Sounds pretty cool, did you guys ever win it?" Diane asked.

"Yeah, we did win once. During the year x791 when we became the lowest ranking guild after 7 years, we managed to claw our way back up. We had a rough start, but our efforts finally paid off and we became the official best magic guild once again..." Gray explained.

"AND then some other stuff happened just right after that with Dragons being summoned from the past through a time gate and a crazy plot by some guy from the future to destroy the world by using those Dragons." Lucy added.

"Wow, and I thought we had crazy adventures..." King admitted.

"Yeah, we may have had to defeat a whole kingdom of Vampires and fight a war that lasted for over 3,000 years, but your stuff sounds pretty crazy." Diane said in amazement.

"It's not as amazing as trying to live with this bunch though..." Lucy deadpanned, watching Natsu try and taunt Meliodas out of his unconsciousness.

"Hey jerk! You're short, stupid, and I'm gonna be stealing your girl you dumb-!"

From the moment he yelled 'stealing your girl', unconscious Meliodas somehow raised his fist into the air, sending Natsu flying several feet into the air until returning to the ground in a dusty crash a metre away, creating a small crater in the stone pathway.

Meliodas then did a quick kip-up like he usually does, stretching his arms with his usual grin as he looked over to Natsu's defeated form in confusion, somehow being unaware as to how he ended up like that and him being the cause of it.

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