Chapter 26- Celestial Zodiac, Fairy King & Giant Queen

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Lucy, Yukino, King and Diane were teleported near the Sun Village, merely a small walk to the town centre through the forest. This was intentional in order to scout out the danger ahead, as the level of magic located here was one of the largest and most abnormal out of all the invasions so far.

Before sending everyone to each designated area, Merlin used her sensory magic to determine the power each invasion force had. The weakest was in Hargeon, Margaret Town followed as slightly more dangerous, then the Sun Village after that, and the upcoming invasion on Crocus and current attack on Magnolia were roughly equal.

The Celestial mages and Sins began their journey down to aid the fight. They could hear faint grunts and explosions out in the distance, even seeing a few bright lights every few seconds, indicating deadly combat was initiating just in front of them.

"Alright everyone, remember to watch each other's backs. We don't know exactly what we're facing, so cover each other's blind spots." Yukino ordered, equipping one of her Celestial Keys in preparation.

"Right!" Lucy responded, readying her own key like Yukino.

"Let's do this!" Diane encouraged, gripping onto Gideon tightly.

"I'm with you all the way Diane!" King added, summoning Chastiefol's first form to his side.

"Of course you're with me King, you've always been there for me..."

King couldn't help but blush at the comment, so happy that the one he loved managed to notice all his efforts and all that he's done. It has been a long 700 years, but his patience and limitless dedication had finally paid off.

"I'll protect you Diane! And I'll definitely stay by your side no matter what!"

Diane was caught off-guard by this, gaining a cheerful smile and faint blush by the determination in his words. She herself sent a cute wink directly at him, causing him to blush crimson at the flirty gesture.

"Aww, that's so sweet..." Lucy commented, turning her thoughts to a certain pink haired loudmouth in relation to the scene in front of her, only to mentally rant at herself that she was absolutely crazy to even think that as steam came off her head.

"Umm... I'm happy for you two, but we need to focus!" Yukino demanded.

"Oh yeah, right..." King and Diane said simultaneously.

With a relaxed breath, Yukino led group further through the forest, continuously walking until they managed to spot a peculiar bright light just ahead of them, indicating it was the one and only Eternal Flame, all that remained of the legendary Atlas Flame of ancient Fiore, trusted friend to the Fire Dragon King Igneel.

They were about to walk further, but suddenly the corpse of a Red Demon fell out of nowhere in front of them, half of its face ripped off and the remaining eye staring directly at them with a dead look.

"EEEEEUGH!!!" Lucy, Diane and Yukino shouted.

"That's certainly something I didn't expect for a Thursday..." King added, trying his best to not vomit from the scene.

After a few minutes to compose themselves better, they cancelled the idea of just walking carefully to the battle, and were now charging head-on. Diane carried Lucy and Yukino in her hand, as they wouldn't be able to keep up with her speed, while King used his natural attribute of flight to lead the charge.

They kept running through the many acres of forest, continuously charging until they managed to reach the clearing, where they saw the most chaotic scenes of their lives.

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