Chapter 6- The Undead vs Ice Maker

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Ban and Gray simply stared at each other, with Gray putting up a stance, whilst Ban had his hands in his pockets, and both having cold, focused stares upon one another. It was now their turn to duke it out.

"...Wonder how this one will turn out?" Jet asked out loud.

"Well, seeing that it's Ban, it's most likely that this fight was down before it started." Meliodas answered.

"Alright! Let the fight... BEGIN!" Makarov exclaimed.

Ban and Gray didn't try to charge at each other, instead they slowly and casually walked up to one another, meeting in the middle.

"So your suppose to be some kind of 'Ice-Maker''? Well sorry, but I don't need you to cool my beverage (hehehe)..." Ban lazily said, taunting the ice wizard despite not actually having any affect.

"Well... looks like being me is better than some jerk who would steal literally anything, I've never heard of anything so selfish as to literally call yourself 'greed'. You'd probably just leave a small, defenceless girl to die, wouldn't ya?" Gray retorted, showing a bit of anger in his tone and making Ban scrunch his face a bit, as he unknowingly ignited a spark of rage.

"... I think that's enough talk..."

Ban immediately pounded Gray right on the head, sending him into the ground. With his opponent temporarily disabled, Ban used the opportunity to equip his Sacred Treasure Courechouse, twirling it in a skilful manner before ending in a prepared stance which he held the staff out straight.

Gray got up a second later, holding his fists up and looking like he wasn't even affected. Ban then started charging at him, performing a twirl when coming close enough and using the momentum to add more power when using his Sacred Treasure. It did make contact, but Gray blocked it with one hand, grabbing the end of it and chucking Ban across the field, before causing him to roll away and fall on the ground.

Gray took the opportunity to use his ice magic, clasping his fist in his palm together on his side and summoning a light blue aura, before pushing both his arms out.


A barrage of ice spears came out of his hands and charged at Ban, who just managed to recover from the last attack. The second he saw what was coming, he had already been pierced in the leg, chest, arms and face, with his jaw hanging and dropping Courechouse onto the ground.

In the crowd, the members of Fairy Tail stared in horror, as they saw their friend easily skewer a man in a friendly fight.

"Gray, how could you?!" Natsu shouted.

"You killed Gray! You killed!" Happy added.

"Oh dear... oh god..." was all Erza could mutter.

Gray himself only stared in regret, watching as it looked like Ban was taking his last few breaths. Just as he looked like he stopped breathing... he gained a smirk.

"(Cough) That was pretty good kid, but (cough) you need to learn better control." The Fox Sin of Greed complimented with a carefree tone as he spat up blood between his words.

Gray now stared towards the man in absolute shock, causing him to lose focus on the fight, which Ban took advantage of, as the older man ran up to him with the lances still piercing him, continuously staining them with his blood until stopping when coming face to face with the raven haired teen.

"What...? Oh, that's right..." Ban said, before hammerfisting Gray straight on the head and creating a huge hole in the ground (similar to when he did it to Demon Hendrickson).


It was then quiet for a few minutes. The peace was broken when a huge burst of purple ice formed around the hole, until some shards burst out and cut Ban in two, causing him to drop on the floor in two halves.

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