1. The Physciological Manifest Of All Things Haunting

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Leaves of all shades and shapes crunched and cracked under the boys' heavy boots. One wore tall platforms, and the other Doc Martens. The shift of seasons brought in unpredictable and fickle weather that often left inhabitants sick. The pair wasn't concerned by the threat of illness though. Instead, the shorter one lead the taller over unmarked paths and new trails that had yet to be discovered.

Not a single noise stirred the air except for the movement of their feet. There was no wind and no birds to extract the peace they had found in the mass of trees. Some might've said that the eerie atmosphere the woods projected was a sign of the secrets held by every life form to exist in the forest. Rumors of disappearances and murders kept most away from the woods' border, but few knew the truth. What contained the illusion of something hauntingly sinful and dark, would truthfully clasp the greatest beauty to go mostly unseen.

"Why are we out here?" Gerard queried, shattering the still silence. He stayed close to his companion, mostly in order to make sure his best friend, Frank, didn't wander far without him. Dread filled the slightly older teenager at the prospect of Frank being claimed by the shadows of the forest. It was more so fear of losing his friend rather than the wood itself, but even Gerard couldn't one-hundred percent shake the uncomfortable sense he felt.

"We're appreciating nature." Frank responded, his tone tinted with taunt, as if it should've been obvious why he'd led the other on to an excursion. Truthfully, Frank wanted to discover what the mysterious woods had to offer. His curious and rather nosy nature had him near salivating over the desolate cluster of vegetation. The only reason he hasn't ventured out before was simply the reason no one else did, but Frank would never admit to that. Instead, he used his charm to manipulate Gerard into accompanying him. If he was going to be murdered in a forest, then he would bring his best friend down with him.

"Can't we appreciate nature from inside? My balls are frozen!" Frank smirked.

"Want me to warm them up for you?"

He heard Gerard gasp and could almost feel the boy's blush blossom. Halting in his tracks and glancing back at Gerard, he laughed when his suspicions were correct. Gerard's cheeks were bright red and his expression absolutely flabbergasted, eyes wide with embarrassment. Frank meant it as a joke, and Gerard knew that, but what Gerard didn't know what that Frank would be more than willing to legitimately take him up on that offer.

Perhaps Frank harbored intimate feelings for his friend, who he really wished was more than a friend. Of course, Frank noticed just how otherworldly gorgeous Gerard was, and sometimes late at night when Frank was busy with himself, he'd find Gerard's face flashing before his eyes. Only half of the time did he posses the willpower to stop himself, and the other half of the time he ended up with sticky fingers and a heart filled with shame. Frank forced himself to shake off the risqué thoughts, not wanting to become aroused at the memory of Gerard's image writhing under him.

Frank laughed and gave Gerard a shove, causing him to stumble and snap out of his embarrassed trance. "Oh, c'mon, you know I'm just messing with you!"!

Gerard rolled his eyes in response and walked passed his friend, who scurried to catch up with the older when the realization occurred to him that he was being left behind.

"This place is creepy as shit, like, it's too much even for me." Gerard grumbled, staring up at the cloudy sky. Through the break in the leaf covered trees, his eyes caught sight of two large, black birds circling directly over him and Frank. Goosebumps pricked at his skin, so he dropped his gaze back down to the forest floor.

"Tough up, Gee. You're supposed to be the one obsessed with death and dark shit like that." Frank snipped. When he suggested to Gerard they venture into the deep woods, Frank had been sure Gerard's lust for all things macabre would soothe his nerves and lull him into excitement. He was more than irked that his friend had complained for the entirety of the time they'd been out.

"Says you," Gerard retorted, "you're just as dark and creepy as I am."


Sensing his friend's irritation, Gerard realized he had to soothe the anger-tinted air. He glanced up at the looming trees, admiring the multitude of branches that poked out in various directions, allowing his artistic habit to take control for a brief moment before playfully bumping his shoulder into Frank's. The younger snapped his head towards Gerard, eyeing his coltish expression and returning the action with twice the force. Gerard stumbled over himself, his long arms waving desperately as he tried to regain balance, but failing and falling backwards.

Frank instantly reacted, allowing instinct to guide him as he lunged after his friend. What they had both neglected to realize, however, was that they'd been walking on an incline and the older of the two just so happened to lose balance right over the side of the incline, causing both boys to tumble down the hill at a dizzying rate.

The shock of their falls banned any alarmed screams to befall their lips, instead being pulled by gravity with the only sound being their thumping bodies and desolation of leaves and sticks. The speed of their tumble blurred the sight of an approaching cave on their path. The instant their bodies ceased to fall downwards, Frank rolled into Gerard's side, their heads clanking together with a cringe worthy smack that was forceful enough to render them both unconscious.

Away from their conscience minds and into a world that appeared dark behind their closed eyelids, they slept side by side for hours, unaware to the events happing around them.

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