5. Buried Secrets

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"Frank it's no use, the rock that this cave is made out of goes all the way down. I can't dig through it," Gerard hung his head, avoiding facing Frank. He was currently a foot into the dirt and had come to a point where he couldn't dig any further. He had removed a boot to help him shovel, the heel being sharp and pointed enough to serve as a better tool than his fingers.

Frank was silent and unresponsive. Silently brewing to himself, he couldn't accept the finality of the situation. He'd watched Gerard dig away dark soil for too long of a time, ignoring the hunger pain in his stomach and attempting to focus on his crush. Through the black shirt he wore, Frank could see Gerard's muscles flex and stretch, his back arching as he leaned further into the small hole he'd created. The sight had his stomach warming and his chest tightening. Frank regretted never making a move on the dark-haired boy he so desperately wished belonged to him.

'You're not dead yet,' He thought to himself. At least if he did something towards Gerard and was rejected, he didn't have to live a lifetime of embarrassment, and would die soon after anyways. Or, under the insane circumstance Gerard wanted him back, he could live out his last days with the boy he loved.

"Come sit next to me, Gee." The older faced him with hesitation, unsure if he should listen to the younger or ignore him and keep trying to escape. Just as Gerard was about to turn to his dirt hole again, Frank spoke back up, "I'm cold."

Gerard's attention was instantly caught. He brushed the filth from his hands and crawled next to Frank, patting the area in front of him to find the boy. He ended up sitting a mere two inches away from Frank, despite his eyes having adjusted to the darkness increasingly well. Without thinking, Frank closed the gap between their sides, leaning against the older and tucking his face into Gerard's shoulder. His eyes closed and he sighed, "You're my best friend, ya know?"

Gerard's arm stretched around Frank's shoulders, bringing him in closer. Despite the lingering smell of funk due to lack of bathing, neither was deterred by the other's scent. Gerard reveled in it, going as far to lay his head on Frank's and inhale the fragrance, since he identified it with romance and security. Frank's words distracted his mind from their impending doom, the former's actions stirring up an emotion rooted deep inside Gerard.

"As you are mine, Frankie."

Frank prepared himself for the confession that would either destroy him or complete him in a way that he'd desired for years. His heart race picked up and despite the nip to the cave's air, he found his palms sweating. "So, there's something I really need to say-"

"Do you hear that?" Gerard cut him off, suddenly stiffening and sitting upright.

"W-what?" Frank opened his eyes and looked up at Gerard, who had put a finger up to signal quietness. They listened in silence for a moment before Frank's ears caught something. A tinkling, crackling like sound sputtered from the opposite side of the cave, the same side Gerard had been digging on. "What is that?"

Gerard shifted to his feet, slowly creeping towards the source, Frank watching eagerly behind him. From the hole he had dug, white, sparkling crystals of ice had grown, spreading over the dirt and freezing the entire area. The space above the frozen water particles was significantly colder, making Gerard recoil. All sentiment and tenderness that had settled in him instantly evaporated, bitter panic instead replacing the warmth as a new cause for fear settled over him. Should they not starve to death, the freeze would steal their breath away first.

Gerard didn't respond, instead dropping to his knees and desperately trying to push away the dirt, pieces of sediment flinging into the air.

"What're you doing?" Frank yelled, getting up to stand over the older boy. "You can't dig through fucking ice!"

"I sure as hell can try." The older muttered. The more he attempted to scrape away the hardening ground, the faster the ice spread.

The air was becoming colder every second, and Frank couldn't bare to watch Gerard struggle. He lurched forward and grabbed the other boy's shoulder. "Gerard, stop!"

The force of Frank's pull yanked Gerard back just as he had caught onto a block of frozen dirt, the momentum sending both onto their backs. "What the hell, Frank," Gerard snapped, rolling back onto his feet and pulling the younger up with him, "I'm trying to get you out of here! If the ground freezes, I can't dig anymore!"

"Then stop."

Gerard huffed, spinning on his heel and leaning down to dig again. When his eyes landed on the small dirt hole, he expected to see ice having taken over, but instead saw something that had him gasping and stumbling backwards into Frank. Alarmed, Frank wrapped an arm around the other's waist, pulling Gerard flush against his chest.

"What is it?" He questioned. Gerard was a shade paler, his cheeks absent of their usual blush. He shook his head slowly, reaching up to grasp Frank's hand and pulled him over to the hole. Frank peered inside, his gaze falling onto a skeleton hand sticking up from the dirt, a yellowed paper stuck in it's fingers. "Oh, cool."

Gerard's jaw dropped as Frank leaned down to grasp the paper, pulling it free from the skeleton hand. Before the older could comment on Frank's calmness, the younger unfolded the fragile note. He cleared his voice and read the scribbled words.

"'Should declarations remain unsold, the moon shall shift and rock shall fold. Collagen melts into Earth, and souls are lost above the dirt. The trees are watching, listen to them speak. One's deepest desire makes them weak..."

His voice faded as he finished reading, a new coldness settling into his bones. Frank turned to Gerard to see the same ghostly expression upon his features. His pale lips parted, "We aren't safe."

Frank knew his love was right. They were going to die soon.

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