10. Something Softer

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Gerard stepped into his small house, warmth enveloping him and a sense of nostalgia invading his senses as he took in the entrance room of his house. His mother, Donna, and Mikey's shoes were flopped on a rug, letting Gerard know they were home. He kicked off his platform boots and headed down that hallway that led to the dining room, which was filled with goofy pictures of the brothers throughout their years. Some were moments captured of the siblings playing together at a younger age, and others were snapshots of seconds where the two had been caught doing something beyond embarrassing. Gerard cringed at a particular one that he had begged his mother to not frame, but it was clear the woman couldn't stop herself.

There was an image of Gerard in front of a mirror with bright colored makeup smudged all over his face. Mikey was on a stool next to him, concentrating as much as a six-year-old could. His little fingers were wrapped around a tube of hot pink lipstick- and he was smearing it all over his big brother's face. Their mother had laughed at them for days about the event, and she still didn't let them live it down, even years later. He smiled a bit at her reaction to their mess. Despite his embarrassment, it helped him in the future with a major life confession.

When Gerard came out to her, the woman put the pieces together and suddenly it made sense. She accepted him without hesitation, offering her support and love. His mother had been waiting for Mikey to come out to her as well, but the younger swore he was straight, and makeup was only Gerard's thing. She didn't mind sharing her supply though. Even though his eyeshadow palette had darkened over time, her oldest boy always had a little bit of makeup covering his soft cheeks. Even now as he walked down the hall admiring every memory with a bit more fondness that his initial arrival, mascara was clumped under his eyes.

He rounded the corner to walk into the dining room, only to halt on his feet as soon as his eyes laid on the two figures in the room. There on the soft gray couch sat Mikey, cradling their mother in his arms. Her blonde hair had fallen around her face and she was crying into Mikey's chest. The boy himself rubbed her back soothingly while tears burned at his own eyes. The scene made Gerard's heart crack and guilt poured over him like a colossal wave.

"Mom? Mikes?"

The pair's heads snapped up and turned towards him, their jaws dropping in surprise and tense bodies relaxing from relief. Donna jumped up off the couch and ran into Gerard, throwing her arms around her eldest son and hugging him tightly. She sobbed into his ear, making him wince a little.

"Oh, Gerard where have you been? We- we were so worried! We thought something happened to you! Oh, don't ever do that to me again, you stupid boy! I nearly-"

"Mom," Gerard cut her off, "I'm okay. It's a long story, but I'm okay. Calm down." He tried to soother her, pulling away from her hug to look the woman in the face, and began to run his hands up and down his arms. The stress of raising two boys on her own was hard on Donna, and it had taken its toll. She was lovely but had aged quicker than she was meant to. She nodded quickly and averted her gaze to the ground, dabbing at her tears with the hem of her shirt.

Seeing movement from the corner of his eye, Gerard glanced up to see Mikey standing just a step behind their mother. The boy was disheveled and puffy eyed, but his expression glowed as he stared at his brother. "Gee," Mikey breathed.

"Mikes," Gerard said, advancing forward and attacking the younger in a hug. Mikey laughed and reciprocated the action, tightening his arms Gerard gasped for air. "Alright, you little twerp, can't- ugh- breathe." Mikey didn't let go though, and Gerard really couldn't breathe. The humor in the situation faded and Gerard felt annoyance creep up his spine. "Mikey- you bitch, I'm- ugh, dying."

"Boys!" Mikey instantly relaxed as soon as he heard Donna's disapproving scold. Gerard coughed and sputtered as his lungs inflated again, and he held back the urge to punch the younger. He didn't hold back his grumpy glare though.

"Gerard, dear, we need to talk about where you've been," Donna gently pressed, stepping forward and placing a hand on her oldest son's shoulder. He sighed and shrugged her off, near dragging himself to the couch before plopping down into the cushions.  The two followed him, Donna sitting at his side, and Mikey settling at Gerard's feet. The trio stayed in their places for the time it took Gerard to explain his horrifying adventure, especially because he told more detail than Frank had.

Thinking about his boyfriend made his heart ache, and he wished he hadn't left the boy behind. He hadn't wanted to make Frank's parents even angrier though, so he left after delivering a tender kiss to the younger's forehead. Okay, so his actions contradicted themselves, but he couldn't not act out a little.

When he was finished telling his tale, Donna embraced him again, ordering Mikey to bring Gerard some food. After he ate, their mother had Gerard change into fresh clothes and shoved the two boys in her van. She was concerned about Gerard's health, so they drove to the hospital where Gerard was examined. The doctors there concluded he was dehydrated and had a dislocated arm, so they ran some tests and had it replaced in good time. He was given medication for the pain, but they said time was his best bet. Before Gerard was even aware of it, Donna was driving them back home again with Mikey asleep in the shotgun seat.

"I'm really glad you're okay, dear, but I'm also very concerned. What happened to you and Frank these past few days... I've never heard of anything like it."

From his spot in the back seat, Gerard lifted his head off the window, a particular detail from his mother's words making his heart stop. "How many days was I gone?" he questioned.

"Three." Gerard froze. It felt nowhere near that length of time, but then again, he and Frank slept a lot.

"W-what?" He gasped.

"We tried to get a search party for you and Frank, but Mr. and Mrs. Iero refused. They said you had taken their boy and ran off together, which was absolutely ridiculous. I know you care for him too much to endanger him like that." Gerard glanced up to see his mother's smile in the rearview mirror. Her gesture didn't ease the new cold fear in his chest.

"I hope he's alright."

As Gerard watched the world blur by, he knew two very important things; he wanted to be next to Frank again, and he had to know what happened to them, and more importantly, why.

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