11. Sink Into Me And Absorb My Love

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It was a few days before Gerard saw Frank again. He had been unable to sleep, so he left his home in the dead of night and wandered the streets of his neighborhood. Normally, the dim street lights left him feeling nervous and paranoid, but tonight he had a different sense of anxiousness crawling inside him. Gerard couldn't stop the feeling that something was going to happen, but not anything bad. All he really was sure of was that an unseen force pushed him towards the park closest to his house.

When he arrived, Gerard noticed a small dark figure on a swing. He instinctively tensed, scanning his mind for all and any defensive actions he should take. If he was murdered tonight, at least he'd had the privilege of kissing Frank at least once. Approaching the swing seat, his caution dissipated when he recognized something familiar about the figure.

The person was short and had combat boots tied at their ankles. Dark hair poked out from under their hood, which was attached to a Misfits jacket.  Gerard smiled when his eyes landed on the clothing, and he sat on the swing next to the figure.

"Hey, Frankie." The younger boy gasped and jumped so hard he fell backward and out of the swing.

"Woah- fuck!" Frank exclaimed, rubbing his back. Gerard flew off the swing and ran to Frank's side.

"Shit, are you okay?"

Frank jumped again, this time scooting a foot away from Gerard, dirt and mulch caking his black jeans. Gerard frowned and slowly sat across from Frank.

"Hey, Frank. It's just me. Just Gerard." He murmured, extending his hand out to his boyfriend. The younger relaxed when his mind finally connected the voice to his lover, and he crawled forward into Gerard's arms, burying his face into the older's neck.


Gerard curled his fingers into Frank's hair, massaging his scalp. Frank groaned lightly, nuzzling the other boy in appreciation. "How're you?" He questioned.

"I'm good. My arm is almost better. I've missed you though," Gerard whispered. "What about you? How bad were things after I left?"

Frank chuckled bitterly. Pulling away from Gerard and walking a bit away. He kicked at the ground and sent mulch flying. His fingers tugged at his hair as he paced around, tension and anger rippling off him.

"They hate me. And you. I don't know which I'm more pissed about." Gerard pulled himself up and sat back down on his swing, listening intently to Frank. "They don't care I'm gay, but they think I should be with someone more 'sophisticated' and 'better educated.' Whatever. I just said to screw them."

"Why?" Gerard realized his error when Frank shot him a look. "Okay, never mind. Just- why does it bother you all of a sudden? You never used to care what they thought of me."

Frank glanced away, nibbling the dead skin on his lower lip. A breeze blew throughout the park, making the pair shiver lightly and goosebumps raise their skin. The younger boy sorted through his mind, thinking of the best explanation he could give. "Honestly, Gee, I just care more because I want them to actually like the man I'm in love with. I could accept them not liking you before because we were just friends, but now... I don't know. It's just different."

"It's okay," Gerard crooned, "I think I understand." He took hold of Frank's hands and clasped his larger ones around the small set. "I'm perfectly fine with your parents not liking me. As long as you do then I'm happy."

"Of course I do, fuck. I like you so much, baby." The pet name made Gerard flush with color, but not nearly as much as the tone in Frank's voice did. He'd never been called 'baby' before by anyone. Gerard had only heard much more demeaning and offensive names throughout his schooling experience. It didn't matter now though. He had someone who cared for him and didn't call him any obscenities. Gerard stood up while still holding Frank's hands.

"Come on," he said, pulling his boyfriend away from the park and towards the street. "Let's go to my place. Moms been wanting to see you."

Frank hesitated, the fear of rejection lingering in his fingertips. "Does she know about us?" Gerard nodded with a brilliant grin. "Is she upset?"

"Hell no. She loves you. As do I." Gerard added slyly, feeling proud of himself for the subtle shyness in Frank's expression.

"What about Mikey?" The older rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit. When he'd rehearsed his experiences to his family, they'd both been happy for him and Frank to have finally gotten together, but Mikey wasn't as enthusiastic as their mother. He was indignant, mumbling something about 'id better not hear you two at night.' His comment had earned him a harsh slap from his older brother.

"He's happy for us, but mostly grossed out. He said he doesn't want to be able to hear us at night or something." Gerard explained, swinging their entangled hands as they walked down the streets.

Frank threw his head back with a fit of laughter. The younger way brother never ceased to humor him. The older didn't either, but Frank was usually too entranced by Gerard's beauty to appreciate his humor. When his laughs died down, Gerard caught his attention, informing him that he'd had something of greater importance on his mind.

"I was thinking that we should somehow figure out more about what happened to us. Maybe if we go to a library or something we can find out something about those woods. That cave isn't normal, and I just don't think I can let this go without knowing either how or why it happened. Do you understand?" Gerard questioned hopefully. Frank thought his lover's words over and knew he was right.

"Alright. Let's start tomorrow, okay?"

Gerard smiled wickedly, throwing a wet kiss on Frank's cheek. "Yes! Thank you, Frankie."

"You're welcome, baby."

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