9. Unfold My Origami Heart

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"Where do you think your parents are?" Gerardy asked, after some time finally noticing that they were alone in Frank's small house. The two sat in the kitchen on the tile floor, backs against the cupboards and a blanket that covered both of their laps. The smell of pizza wafted throughout the house, making their mouths salivate with hunger.

Frank shrugged, leaning his head on Gerard's shoulder. "I don't know. They're probably looking for us. It felt like we were gone for days. I bet they have missing persons report out by now."

Gerard hummed. "Hopefully they come back soon so they know we're alright." Frank lifted his head and gazed up at his love, a curious glint in his expression.

"Don't you want to go see Mikey and your mom?" Frank questioned. He was sure the older would be eager to reunite with his own family, but it seemed Gerard was content to stay in his kitchen. From the angle Frank sat at, he had a clear view of Gerard's exposed neck and bit back the desire to attach his lips to the flesh and suck until dark marks littered the entire area. At the same time, he wished to entangle his fingers in Gerard's dark wavy locks, to shove the older boy's back to the floor and straddle his hips, only to kiss him torturously slow. Frank finally had this perfect soul all to himself and he was so overwhelmed he didn't know what he wanted more from Gerard at the moment; a good violent fuck, or a tantalizing mind-numbing romance.

Frank didn't know it, but Gerard had similar thoughts filling his head. He wanted to have Frank in every way possible now that he was allowed to, but the older couldn't let go of what they had just been through. Frank seemed to have completely forgotten about whatever head injury he had sustained, but Gerard still felt his arm aching from when he rammed his arm into the cave's wall. Gerard suppressed a shudder at the memory. It wasn't even an hour ago and despite Frank's words, he was still terrified their escape wasn't real.


"Huh? Oh, sorry, Frankie. Just thinking," Gerard mumbled. "I'll go see my family after I make sure yours shows up and you're not alone."

The sound of a car's engine echoed through the house, and the boys jumped up to greet Frank's parents. They skidded to the door and barely missed being hit by it swinging open to see a man and women behind it, both looking startled at the sight of the young pair. The realization hit at the same time for both adults, but before they could react Frank ran into their arms.

"Oh, Frankie, my baby," the woman sobbed, "we were so worried about you! Where have you been?" She grabbed Frank's shoulders and pushed him away from her in order to look him in the face. The boy's eyes darted to his father to examine his expression. The man wasn't watching Frank, but glaring at Gerard, who stood close behind his new partner. The older boy was well aware Frank's parents despised him. They blamed Gerard for Frank's 'rebellious nature.'

"Were you out with Gerard this entire time, son?" Frank's dad spoke up, flicking his attention between the two and eyeing them with spite.

"What is that on your head, Frankie? It's so red! Are those bruises?" His mother stepped forward, taking his face in her hands and harshly tipping it up to further examine.

Frank jerked back and stumbled into Gerard, who caught the younger by his sides and mentally asked him if he was alright. The boy seemed to understand the older's worries and nodded slowly, briefly melting from the warmth he felt from simply looking at Gerard. When he turned back to his parents he realized they had noticed the intense interaction.

"Mom, Dad," Frank started, trying to swallow his nerves. "Some time ago, I'm not sure how long, but Gerard and I were walking in the woods..."

"The woods! You're not supposed o go there, young man! You're lucky you even made it out of that wretched place! People die there!" Frank's mother screeched, her eyebrows raised high.

"Mom! Just... listen, will you? We were just playing around. It's my fault really-" Frank was cut off by Gerard.

"Frank, don't even blame yourself right now! You didn't do this, it's not your fault!" The older pressed, eager to ensure the boy that held his heart felt no guilt in his precious body.

"What's he talking about, Frankie?"

The boy sighed. "Somehow when we were playing around, I kinda fell, and Gerard tried to catch me, but we fell down a hill. Our heads hit each other and we both went unconscious. Gerard woke up first and watched over me. When I finally got up he told me we were trapped in a cave. We tried to get out but it was sealed shut., and then we were uh... talking and one of the walls just collapsed. And then we ran here." 

The silence in the room was stiff and uncomfortable. The adults were struggling to believe their son and were debating if he should be punished for going off with the darker, somewhat disturbing older boy. The two adults looked at each other and nodded. "Gerard, would you please leave? We'd like to have a family discussion."

Before Gerard could even think, Frank stepped to his side and took his hand. "No! He's a part of this and there is no reason he can't be here with me! We went through this thing together!" Frank argued, his anger boiling up by the minute.

"Frankie, let go of Gerard and send him home. This is a family matter." His mother pressed, but unfortunately, he wasn't listening. Frank had enough.

"Gerard is my boyfriend!" He shouted, face red and arms in the air.

Gerard had never seen such a grave look cross someone's face.

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