6. The Effects Of Feeling Human

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A twisting pain that signified hunger stabbed at both Gerard and Frank's stomachs. The lack of light in their small cave denied them of knowing the hour of day, so they were unsure of the amount of time they'd been without food. The absence of nutrients in their systems added to their weary states. Though their internal clocks kicked in repeatedly and begged for sleep, neither boy succumbed to the lure of unconsciousness, for fear of never waking again stalked their minds.

The two sat with the ominous letter in Gerard's hands, attempting to uncode it together. The threat of death was evident in the words' ink, but they knew another meaning was ingrained into the paper. Literature was a subject both found interest in, the drama and emotion linked to poetry and the story and fantasy found in novels specifically excited them. Gerard particularly loved simple comics, while Frank easily lost himself between the finely printed letters of a thick fiction book. Despite their familiarity and comfort with the English language and all it's tricks, they found difficulty in deciphering something so short in content.

"Does it really matter what it means," Frank questioned, "it's not like knowing the riddle behind it will suddenly open a giant fucking door for us!"

Gerard shot up, deep hazel eyes going wide and excitement exploding in his chest. Gerard took Frank's hands and pulled them both to their feet. "What if that is how we get out?!"

"Gee, maybe you should rest. I knew you'd be the one to go crazy first, but I wasn't planning on it happening yet."

Gerard shook his head, "No, not answering the damn paper! I meant- wait, what? I would definitely not go crazy before you!" He exclaimed with exasperation, a little offended, but mostly amused.

"Yes you would, most definitely. You hate being bored more than I do. And I'm sure you're craving some wack, off-the-wall food too. You just can't sit still. I'm the same way, except mine is from smoking too much pot and ADHD. You're just too artsy, and that makes you twitch." His fingers made wild gestures as he flew his hands around, a habit Gerard always noticed whenever Frank was telling a story or explaining something. It was one of his favorite quirks about the younger, an adorable feature that made him burn with desire to merely take Frank's fingers and kiss every inch of them, to place them over his chest and relish in the feeling of the other boy's hands all over his body. "All I'm really trying to say is, not even if you recite the letter six times into a glass mirror while standing under a ladder will suddenly make an escape exit for us."

"Frank!" Gerard grabbed the younger's attention. "What if there is actually a hidden door? We can't dig our way out, but we haven't tried examining the walls. Maybe there is something there that can help us."

Frank's expression went slack, and Gerard could see his friend's mind spinning. "We can try," he shrugged. The two moved so they were both in front of the wall closest to the hole with the skeleton hand. They examined it closely, looking for even the slightest crack that could signal a way out. Gerard felt around the rock with nimble fingers, stretching to reach the highest points while Frank bent down to feel the lower half of the wall.

After some time of only managing to scuffle their hands up and not finding a secret wall, Frank stood up, catching Gerard's attention. "What about trying to break it down?" Gerard eyebrows dipped into a frown.

"I guess. I don't really think that will work either, but whatever." Frank could sense the dark haired boy becoming frustrated, as the air was tensing and the hope that had originally floated around in the older's expression was fading.

"Hey," Frank said, taking a step closer to Gerard and hesitating, before he gave into his desire and clasped onto the other's hand, the action causing warm bubbles to stir up in his stomach. "It'll be okay, Gee. Don't give up yet." He offered, allowing a small smile to sliver over his features due to simply being able to stand close to someone who was constructed so beautifully.

Gerard seemed to deflate at Frank's words, unable to hide his true emotions from his friend, and the keeper of his heart, even if the boy was unaware. Gerard opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off when Frank suddenly let out a loud, vicious groan and clutched his head in his hands, leaning over himself.

"Frank!" Gerard took the younger boy in his arms, protectively cradling him and holding him so he wouldn't collapse under the pain bouncing in his skull.

The younger boy had been so caught up with assisting Gerard with their escape, he neglected to tend to his headache, which though throbbed constantly became easy to ignore. At least, until this moment, where the pain overwhelmed Frank to a point where he suffered far too intensely. Guilt racked his chest, as he merely wished to lower Gerard's stress, but his own physical torture denied him of doing so.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Frank choked out, resisting the urge to whine in pain. He shrugged Gerard's hands off him, forcing his legs to lift him. Blurry spots danced over his vision and a wave of nausea sparked up. "Fuck," he grumbled before lurching over and dry heaving into the ice-dirt hole. He felt hands grasp his hair, and knee Gerard was holding it back. Soothing fingers traced his spine as he attempted to gain control of his breath, having had nothing come up during his fit. When Frank could breathe properly, Gerard helped him sit and wrapped him up in his jacket.

"Stay and rest, Frankie."

"What're you-," before Frank could finish his sentence, Gerard ran towards the wall, slamming himself against the rock harshly.

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