7. Regret Isn't In My Life, For Life Led Me To You

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Death was slow. Death was cold. When he found you, his skeletal fingers would grasp around you and carry you to your eternal wooden rest six feet under, where he'd taunt your soul for the rest of eternity. Gerard had been fascinated with the idea of such an ending, going as far to research through every book or article he could find. His obsession with such obscenities and morbidities cost him the lack of constant socialization, forcing him to take on the titles of 'freak' and 'outcast.' Despite every odd look, every hushed whisper or snicker, he'd never take back a single second of the isolation, for it ended in a single night when he crashed into someone who would alter his beliefs and ideas, whose very presence could soothe the deepest heartache, if not chase away completely.

The meeting of Frank Iero would destroy every lonely thought in Gerard's mind. He would be introduced to an entire new section of punk he'd never seen before, but most significantly, would learn what true friendship felt like. It was knowing when the other needed a tight embrace, or instead pushing a comedy into the dvd player and relaxing with popcorn and laughs. It was telling every secret without even second guessing the consequences. Friendship was having a bond so strong not a single person would be surprised if the pair admitted to being lovers.

The last thought made Gerard sigh, a bitter cold feeling of sadness rip through his chest and freeze the warmth that had been attempting to bubble up. He ran his fingers through Frank's hair, whose was laid beside him with his eyes closed, though not asleep. The sound caught the later's attention, and be turned to gaze up at Gerard.

"How's the arm?" Frank mumbled, his voice coming out low and husky through the sheet of exhaustion. It hadn't been much time since Gerard's panicked mind sent him into a state where he launched his body into the cave's wall repeatedly, eventually being forced to stop when he moved much too fast at a defiant wrong angle. He heard something snap, and a blinding pain spiked through his entire right arm, from his shoulder down to his thin wrist.


"That it?"

"What else in their supposed to be?" The older snapped, his sour mood originating in the pulsing sensation rattling his bones. A brief look of hurt crossed Frank's face, but he brushed it off in consideration of their situation. His own mind danced around many thoughts, most of them relating to his own self irritation at his cowardice. Why couldn't he summon the courage to let his feelings spill from his tongue? He decided to instead confess another matter, one that originated from guilt rather than passion.

"I'm sorry," he started, "this is my fault. If I'd never asked you to come with me then you wouldn't been in this position."

Next to him, Gerard's jaw dropped open by a fraction. He was shocked, but he couldn't deny the fault in Frank's words. Sure, it was because of the younger they were stuck in a damn cave, but what if Gerard hadn't accompanied him? Frank could be much worse off, and that thought chased away any remorse Gerard might've felt towards his crush. He cradled Frank's face with one hand and used the other to clasp on to the other hand.

"No, don't say that. I didn't have to come with you, but I chose to."


"No, Frank," Gerard cut him off. "Even if we had sustained worse injuries or fell into a fucking bear cave or a muderer's  house I would still come with you. I can deal with being trapped like this so long as I have you next to me."


"I wouldn't want you to go through this alone. In fact, I'm glad I'm here. I want to stand by you and go through troubles with you, even if it means I might die." Gerard breathed out, his heart rate picking up with every word.

Frank's eyes were wide and full of something Gerard swore existed in his own eyes, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions when he was fully aware of his emotions consistently acting as a blurry haze that disoriented him. Frank unconsciously leaned into Gerard's palm and squeezed his hand. "Why would you do that?" He whispered, his voice full of hope.

Gerard hesitated, wondering if he was ready to finally confess the deep, intimate feeling he'd almost always harbored for the other boy. He knew it was past a crush, into something much deeper. In an instant his mind flashed through every memory he had with Frank, and he was sure he was right about the feeling he had.

He took a deep breath, preparing to finally admit what he'd wanted to say for years. He exhaled, "Frank.. I'm in love with you."

"You... you are?"

Gerard nodded, "Yes. I always have been. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable or you don't want to be friends anymore. I just wanted you to know incase we-"

He was cut off as Frank sprang up, rolling Gerard onto his back and pressing their lips together. Gerard reacted instantly, kissing back with the same amount of passion. His hands landed on the older's chest, unknowingly grazing his fingers into Gerard's left nipple, causing the latter to groan into the kiss. Gerard slowly trailed his arms around Frank's waist, hugging the younger boy against him before dropping his grip to squeeze at Frank's hips, grinning when he squealed in surprise.

The passion was definite, each boy taking a step towards manhood as they accepted love into their hearts, acknowledging the romance the other held in his chest. The lack of air in the cave and between their lips got to them though, so they were forced to break from their physical euphoria.

Frank's forehead rested against Gerard's, both panting lightly. "I love you to."

They both smiled.

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