Chapter 1- Why is There a Portal in My Bedroom?!

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~My P.O.V.~

My mum and I just got back from picking myself up from college. It was quite a long day, too. My Health and Social Care are not going very well and my Mandatory isn't going too well, either. Considering that there are constant arguments between my "friends" Kerry and Josh. It's getting quite annoying now. 

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Courtney James. I'm 17 years old and the eldest sibling out of me and my brother, Keiran. But not by much though. Only by a year or so.
There's also my mum and dad. They can be really nice and caring, but they sometimes argue and I have to raise my voice to say that my brother and I have had enough of it. 

Like my mum and dad, I can be sweet and caring. But I also have a bit of a temper as well. Ask my mum about that. I get it from her.

I can also be a bit nerdy as well, but it's more on the maths side of things. I'm Level 1 in my maths class, not so far away from Level 2. I'm good with numbers, but not so much with shapes. They confuse me.

I don't need to do my English exams in college since I already passed it back to my old school. I'm sorry for those who haven't. :(

Aside from that, I also have a crazy side to me as well. And by crazy, I mean singing and dancing in my room until I've run out of energy to do any more of it.

Anyway, mum and I've just got in the back door and into the kitchen, where our dogs, Storm and Bella will be waiting to say "Hello". Even though they only speak dog. 

I giggled and rubbed their heads with compassion.

"Hello, you two. Excited aren't we? Maybe dad should take you girls for a walk when he comes back." I said with a smile.

Their ears perked up as soon as I said the word "walk".

"Courtney! Don't say that! You know how wound up they get when they want to go out for one!" My mum, Anna James, scolded me. 

I scratched the back of my head nervously. 

"Hehe. Sorry, mum. Couldn't resist." I replied sheepishly. 

She sighs in defeat, knowing it was an accident.

"What am I gonna do with you? Anyway, could you pass me your drinks bottle and your lunchbox, please? I need to empty them out for tomorrow." She asked nicely. 

"Sure," I replied as I set down my bag, unzip the top part and take out my drinks bottle and lunchbox, then zipping the bag back up again.
"Here you go, mum," I said whilst giving her my drinks bottle and lunch box.

She kisses my forehead tenderly.
"Thank you, sweetie." Mum then turns back to sink as I retreat to my room with my bag in tow.

Without saying a quick "Hello" to Keiran along the way. 

Once I get there, I take out my phone, my earphones from my bag, turn on my DVD player and turn on my TV with the remote with utmost glee. I also take my asthma pump out of my bag, just in case my breathing gets a bit tight.

You see, I have taken a liking to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The 2012 version, that is. They're just so AWESOME! With their epic Ninjitsu skills and awesome looks, how could I say no to that?

The only people, aside from my family, that know my liking to this is my friends Bradley, Chloe, Daniel, Martyn, Shauna, Serena and Zennah. No one else does. 

Anywho, I was watching "Baxter's Gambit" on my TV and I'm just about done watching the episode. I'm up to the part where the turtles, Fishface and Dogpound are working together to stop Baxter Stockman. 

"Raph, Fishface! There!" Leo points to Baxter that's floating above them in his little... station thingy? I don't know what it's even called.  

They were about to do what Leo says when all of a sudden...

... the power cuts out. 

I jump up from my bed with my phone and asthma pump in my hands. My earphones are still in my ears. I need to make a mental note to myself to make sure that I don't keep yanking them out without even knowing about it.

"Aww, what the heck?! Why now?!" I groan to the world in disappointment. 

Just as I was about to complain to my mum about the power cut, there's a pink glow coming from the left of my bedroom. I walk closer to it in curiosity.

'Is that a... no way. No. Freaking. Way. How is this even possible?!' I thought to myself in astonishment as I got even closer to the portal.

"I wonder what's on the other side of this portal. An animated version of New York City, I bet." I wondered out loud.

'No turning back now. I have to do this. Otherwise, I'll never be able to live it down!' 

I step into the portal and on the other side, as I predicted, was the animated version of New York City.

I step out of the alleyway, wide-eyed at the sight of what's in front of me. 

"Holy, chalupa..."

Hey, guys! 

I tried to find a picture for the portal and that's the best I one I could find. Sorry. >-<

Also, I kinda had this idea stuck in my head for a while now and I need to get it written down on here.

Anyways, see you all in the next chapter. Bye! ^-^

P.S. There is a Quotev version of this story, but I'm gonna alternate the one on here slightly. :3

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