Chapter 2 - Oh, I'm in Trouble. Let's Pay the Turtles a Visit! (Raph, at Least.)

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~My P.O.V.~

'Oh. My. God.

I can't believe it! I'm in the TMNT universe!

This is so cool! I have to tell the others about this when I get back.
Wait a sec...'

I look behind me to see that the portal is gone.

"What?!" I run back to where portal once was in sheer panic.

"No, no, no! When I said I wanted to be in this universe, I didn't mean permanently!" I said to the wall, I guess?

Anyway, I put my phone, my earphones and my asthma pump in my jumper pockets in frustration and walk back out onto the streets.

'Great, just great. Now my family is gonna be worried sick about me when I've mysteriously disappeared like that!' I mentally scolded myself on how much of an idiot I am to do that sort of thing.

After a few minutes of walking along the streets of New York City, I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was being watched by something.

Something bad.

Turns out I was right.

"The one known as Courtney James must come with Kraang to what is known by Kraang as TCRI to be experimented on what is known as Mutagen."

I stop in my tracks and turn around slowly to see about 5 or 6 Kraang bots with their guns in hand, ready to shoot me if I don't come with them peacefully.

'Of course it had to be the stupid Kraang. Greaaat.'

I gulp and back up slowly, laughing sheepishly.

"Uh... how about... no." I replied as calmly as I could. Don't think it worked, though.

I heard their guns charge up, getting ready to shoot.

"The one known as Courtney James MUST come with Kraang to TCRI." A Kraang bot replied back in, might I add, very strict English language.

This was my cue to leave as I see pink lasers being shot at me from across the street.

"Yikes, man! Are you trying to turn me into ash?! If so, then why didn't just do so like... 13 seconds ago!?" I shouted at the Kraang droids whilst running for my life. Literally.

I hate the Kraang! Shredder, too. If the turtles hate them, I hate them. Simple as that. Plus, they kidnapped April loads of times in the past. DON'T QUESTION MY LOGIC!*

'I need to find a sewer entrance - and fast!' I thought to myself in a state of distress.

I kept running, and running, and running until I finally found an entrance to the sewers in the alley. A.k.a. the turtles' and Master Splinter's home.

"Yes!" I yell in victory and relief that I lost them. For now.

*Kraang footsteps stop and turn around, running back to the alleyway I'm currently in.*


That just blew me off.

Shoot (no pun intended).

Me and my big, freaking mouth, man!

God, I can be such an idiot sometimes...

I knelt down, quickly took off the manhole cover and, without hesitation, jumped down into the sewers. But not before I put the manhole cover back in it's place.

Carefully, I climbed down the ladder of the sewers, landed on the ground safely, and I hear the Kraang bots footsteps, slowly but gradually, fade away.

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"That was a close one. Now, which way do I need to go down again?" I ask, curiously.

*Time skip.*

Welp, it took me about half an hour to find the turtles' lair.

And so I'm close to making it there without making a single noise!

... I hope.

I'm currently wondering through the abandoned train station, which is close by to the lair, in case you didn't know.

'Okay. I just need to get in there without being spotted. Unless the turtles are out on their evening patrol, that's fine. Or that one of them is either sent home, or the fact that one of them is left at home because of an injury earlier on today, then I'm deep trouble.' I think to myself, once again.

I slowly poke my head out of hiding and look around to see if anyone's home. With the exception of Master Splinter, of course. He'll most likely be meditating in the dojo.

'Good. No one's in.' I think to myself, yet again.

That's what I thought, anyway. You'll see why in a bit.

Quickly, yet quietly, I leap over those... thingys that people go through when they go on trains. I haven't been on a train since Year 3 so, cut me some slack, okay?!

Once I'm in, I take a quick look around the place.

Now, from my perspective, the lair isn't too shabby. This place has pretty much got everything in what a normal house should have.

TV, kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom. You name it, this place has got it.

Except that the lair has a dojo and a laboratory. That's not what you find in a normal home, to be perfectly honest.

Okay, enough about that!

Time to get down to business.

I speed walk down to living room part of the lair when I feel a little 'tap' on my head.

I look down, nothing's there.

Left and right, nothing there either.

But when I look up...
... I see Spike standing up on the top of my head!

How did he get onto my head without me noticing?!

But still. Awwh~! He's so cute! All animals are cute to me. Unless they are poisonous and fight back without reason, then I find them dangerous.

Gently, I take him off my head and put him on my left shoulder.

I smile up at him. "Hey there, buddy. Enjoying the view from up here ?" I ask him with such interest. I do that to make pets feel happy and loved.
He just looks back at me and makes a weird noise.

I giggle and gently stroke the top of his head with my pinky. He seems to be enjoying it, too.

Bless his soul.

Hang on a minute.

If Spike is out here, then where's-

"Who are you, and what do you think you're doing here?!"


'Oh, crud.'


I just got spotted by none other than Raphael Hamato himself.

What freakin' joy. -__-

Find out what happens next in Chapter 3. Bye-bye! ^___^

*= If you get my reference, I will love you all for life.

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