Chapter 7 - Panic in the Sewers (Pt2).

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

Not long after, the Purple Dragons entered into the secret headquarters of the Foot clan, as the turtles and Courtney followed them and took up positions just outside to see what they could find out what they were up to.

"This is the place." Leo whispered, and they all crowded around behind him, with Don bumping into Raph.

"Donnie. You're crowding me." He told the other.

"Sorry." Donnie whispered apologetically.

The purple-masked turtle accidentally bumped into a trashcan with his shell and it made a bit of a ruckus that caused a comical chain reaction of Mikey getting scared and yelping as he jumped up and knocked Raph in the chin, who glared in pain at the other while Leo eyed them all warily.

"Sorry. All that Splinter talk about how we're not ready has me thinking. Maybe we're in over our heads." Michelangelo wondered aloud disconcertingly.

Raphael ruthlessly bopped Mike over the head. "You're always in over your head." He spat, retaliating for the incident seconds ago.

Mikey rubbed his head. "I'm saying now we all are! and that scares me." The youngest turtle whimpered fearfully.

"It's okay to be scared, Mikey. Raph is scared, too." Leonardo reassured sweetly, as he put a hand on his little bros shoulder to comfort him.

"I am not scared." Raphael lied flatly, before peering around to see what Leo was looking at and screaming when Leo impishly gave Raph a poke to the back of the head to prove his point.

'You were saying?' Courtney thought to herself in amusement.

Raphael cleared his throat and then snarled at Leo who was busy laughing, when suddenly, a much more vicious growling came from around the corner and silenced all of them, just as the imposing silhouette of Chris Bradford's mutated dog form loomed upon the four siblings and their human friend.

"You should be." Bradford rumbled in his beastly voice.

"Bradford!" Leo gasped.

"Rad-Brad!" Mikey blurted, all of them quite freaked to see this new and horrible mutant menace towering over them with those sharp teeth and red eyes.

"Look what I found. Four soon to be ex-turtles! And look. You brought your little friend along with you, too. I'll take her off your hands as soon as I destroy you all." Bradford smirked as he began prowling closer.

"I'm sure glad it's okay to be scared!" Mikey whimpered as he felt like he was seconds away from seriously freaking out.

"You and me both." Donnie agreed in much the same state.

"This is no time to panic!" Leo ordered as he unsheathed his weapons, trying to be the brave one as he was the leader. But then they saw just how menacing Bradford became when he straightened up.

"Okay, maybe a little." Leo lamented as the monstrous henchman growled and the group readied themselves for a fight.

Chris began to walk toward them; his longer and bigger arm dragging sharp, bone-like spikes from his knuckles against the ground and causing small sparks to fly.

"He keeps getting taller." Mikey cried as he tried to keep it together.

"Then I'll cut him down to size!" Their blue banded leader scowled as he took off to attack the giant mongrel mutant.

"No! Don't!" Their friend cried.

But nothing he did made a difference. So Leo landed back with a flip where he'd started near his brothers. "Uh, let's stick together on this one." He decided meekly, sincerely hoping there was power in numbers.

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