Chapter 8- Turtles'/Courtney's Training Time!

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

It's a Saturday and five minutes in to the training session, the turtles were sparring against each other.

Leo and Raph vs Mikey and Donnie.

Courtney, however, has a different kind of training style.

And no, she can't be a kunoichi. We've already astablished why she can't become one.

What I mean is that she has to do meditation with Splinter to help her with her abilities.

Speaking of her and Splinter, they are kneeling across in each other under the tree that's in the dojo, ready to begin with the lesson.

"In order to maintain your powers more thoroughly, you must learn to not lose control of what is around you spiritually. Which is why in today's lesson, I will help you by doing so through deep meditation. Unlike the normal meditation session we have every day, you will have to concentrate harder." Splinter tells the young girl.

She nods in understanding.

"Hai, Sensei."

Master Splinter smiles at her determinations, happy one of his students are willing to listen.

"Now. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and clear your mind of what is around you." Splinter instructs.

Courtney nods again not before closing her hazel eyes and taking in a deep breath.

'I can do this.' She thinks to herself.
It took a few a attempts, until she finally manages to get into the zone.
What Courtney didn't know, was that she was going to get paid a visit during her meditation...

*In Courtney's mind...*

"Open your eyes, child," A mysterious voice calls out to her.

Courtney's eyes snap open to see herself floating in a universe-like abyss.

"W-Who's there?!" She shouts whilst looking around at her surroundings.

"Do not be afraid, little one. I am not going to hurt you" The voice reassures her.

"Then... why am I here?" The 17 year-old asked, completely confused.

"To tell you that your life is in grave danger. But, from the looks of things, I suspect you already knew that." The mysterious voice predicts.

"Mh-hm." Courtney hums in response.
"And also, to give you this," The voice replied as a bracelet from home came floating down towards her until it dropped in her hands.

She gasped at the sight of what was before her.

(By the way, it looks like this:

(By the way, it looks like this:

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"T-This is..." Courtney trailed off.

"Yes. One of your bracelets from your home realm." The voice answers for her.

She puts on the bracelet whilst looking down at it in curiosity.

"But, there's nothing special about it! Like... it's just a normal, stupid bracelet." The girl protests.

The mysterious voice chuckles at her response and replies with,

"Oh, but it is much more than that, my dear."

Courtney looks down at her bracelet again to see it glowing in 6 different colours in for different sections.






And Pink.

"On your journey with the turtles, you must fill out each of these sections with these colour, depending on which situation that you and your friends are in, and also which turtle can solve the problem by being cunning, courageous, smart, quick, calm and kind. And from what I can see, cunning is already filled in from your latest mission with your friends."

Courtney nods for the voice to keep going.

"But it can only be accomplished through the lessons that life has given you. Only then, will your voice and your compassion become even more powerful than the Shredder and Kraang themselves." The mysterious voice explains to the 17 year-old girl as colours on the bracelet begin to fade off.

Whilst her, on the other hand, is astonished at what her voice and her heart can really do in the forsseable future.

"Whoa..." Courtney gaped whilst she is gazing up that where the voice.

"I must be leaving now, my dear. Your friends and sensei are probably worried sick about you." The voice calls whilst fading away before the teen is left in total darkness.

*Back in reality.*

She begins to open her eyes gradually to see the turtles and sensei looking down at her with worry.

"Was I in that deep of a trance?" Courtney asked them.

"Seems that way." Leo replied.

The girl just hums and stands up from her kneeling position.

"What's that around your wrist, dudette?" Mikey asks whilst pointing at her pendent.

Courtney looks down and gasps silently.

'So it was true!' Courtney thought as she responds with,

"A bracelet."

"You know what that is?!" Donnie says shocked.

The girl just laughs it off.

"Yeah. I've got another one like this back home." She states whilst smiling at them.

"What I'm wondering is how it got there whilst you were meditating." Raph points out.

Courtney looks back at Splinter with a smile and a nod.

"That, my friend, is story for another day," Courtney wisely states with a smirk.

But there was just two questions that still lurk in the back of her mind.

'Who was that mysterious voice and why did they sound so familiar?'

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