Chapter 6 - Panic in the Sewers (Pt1).

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QUICK A/N - Hi, guys! Courts here! This episode was suggested by galaxytmnt .

Please, go follow this girl. She is the  sweetest and most caring friend you'll ever meet. ^^

Bless this little snowflake! 😊❄

Now without further ado, let's get on with the story! :3


~3rd Person P.O.V.~

Quite a few things has happened since Courtney arrived in their dimension.

She made friends with April, Xever and Bradford got turned into mutants, met/saved Dr. Rockwell and Shredder finally made his presence known to her and the turtles (they barely managed to escape his grasp, by the by) where things got a whole lot more serious from there.

Anyway, Splinter is in his room in the dojo, where he's currently having a nightmare.

Let's have a little peek inside, shall we?

*Master Splinter's mind.*

It was a dark and foggy night, as four teenage mutant ninja turtles crept stealthily about; trying to stick as best to the shadows as they could, before coming to hide down an alleyway beside a large dumpster.

"Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty, guys." Leonardo warned his brothers in a hushed tone.

FYI, frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called-" Donnie began to ramble in his matter of fact way, as Raph and Mikey got annoyed.

"Maybe he's got an off switch somewhere?" Michelangelo whispered to Raphael in a sarcastic yet hopeful way.

This sparked an idea, and so Raph gave his brainy brother a good thwack to the back of the head.

"Found it." The red banded brother replied smugly as Mikey chuckled, while Don and Leo glared.

"And I found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live." Echoed the sinisterly pleased voice of the Shredder from somewhere around them; startling all four as they tried to see where their enemy was before he got them.

Wouldn't wanna be them." Mikey chuckled absentmindedly; not realizing who Shredder was talking about as a sense of relief washed over him.

"We ARE them!" Raph hissed as he, Leo and Donnie quickly readied themselves for battle by unsheathing their weapons. 

As they scouted about, trying to stay as close to one another as possible, Mikey ended up getting freaked out by Raph's comment and backed up a little too far from the group. He never heard the sound of the wicked warrior landing behind him, but he sure as heck felt the hands that grabbed his shoulders when the chill from the metal around Shredder's hands sent a shiver down his shell!

And with only a panicked cry to signal that he'd ever been too far behind them, the youngest turtle vanished into the dense fog; his nunchucks coming to slide across the ground at his brothers feet...

"MIKEY!" Donnie shouted distraughtly as he took off toward Shredder to try and save his goofy sibling. But the Shredder was too fast, and quickly had him disarmed by snapping his bo staff with those sharp clawed blades of his, as the formidable man took no time in dispatching the tallest turtle with a few well placed moves.

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