Chapter 3- Explanation Time, Meeting the Rest of the Turtles and Splinter.

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*Previously on 'It All Started With the Portal'...*

Wait a minute.

If Spike's out here, then where's-

"Who are you, and what do you think you're doing here?!"


'Oh, crud.'

*This time on 'It All Started With the Portal...*

~My P.O.V.~

Great. Just fantastic!

Just when I was giving Spike a bit of lovings, Raph just had to show up at the right frickn' time.

Curse you Spike and your adorableness...

Too bad that ends in season 2.

Why must you do this to me, show?!

Welp... I guess I'll have to make do and roll on with it. Can't leave him hanging without answering his questions, now can I?

Besides, he hasn't got much patience.

Raph crossed his arms with an impatient look on his face.

"Well?" He asked rudely.

I gently pick up Spike, set him down on the ground and take two hesitant steps forward towards him.

Here goes nothing...

I answered both of his questions with this:

"Okay, first off, my name's Courtney. Can't go off without knowing my name, now can we?"

Raphs nods in understanding.

Hesitantly, might I add.

"And second, this is the only safest place that I know of in this city because the Kraang are coming after me!"

Raph uncrossed his arms from his chest. He still looked quite angry at me, dang it.

"The Kraang are after you? Why?" Raph said questioningly.

I shrug.

"No idea." I replied back.
I take out my phone from my jumper pocket, unlock it and open up YouTube.

"But what I do know is that I'm not from this dimension, and this video of you guys proves it."

I step closer an put my phone in Raph's hand.

His anger is replaced with a look of confusion as he looks down at my phone.

"And you're giving me this because...?" Raph trails off.

I just smile at him.

"To prove my innocence and to show that I can be trusted by you, your brothers and your sensei," I reply honestly.

Hey, I like to be truthful and lying in general is just wrong.

Please don't break it.

*Small time skip.*

Raph just finished watching a video of him and the guys. And well...

Let's just say his eyes are as wide as flying saucers right now.

I smirk in victory and take my phone from the red-masked turtle.

"Do you believe me now?" I ask, my smirk ever growing as each second goes by.

Raph breaks out of his little daydream world and looks at me, eyes still the size of saucers.

"Uh... yeah." He replies.

TMNT 2012- It All Started With the Portal (ON HIATUS).   Where stories live. Discover now