Chapter 9 - Broken Heart, Stronger Soul.

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~My P.O.V.~

I was out for a peaceful walk whilst eating some pizza gyoza I got from Murakami-san, enjoying the semi-simple things in life.

Y'know, because living with mutant turtles isn't exactly... Normal. I don't know, guys. Our world can be pretty messed up most of the time.

As I was about to round the next corner, my pizza gyoza all gone, I sensed all-too-familiar presence behind me.

"Courtney?" The voice asked, full of surprise.

No. Oh, no.

'No. It can't be.'

"Jacob?!" I practically shouted, turning towards him. "What're you doing here?"

He shrugged in response.

'Well, that wasn't very helpful...'

"No idea. But I sure am glad I found you." The tall boy replied, a recognisable smile creeping on his face.

I cross my arms over my chest, now feeling rather displeased.

"I know what you're gonna ask, and the answer is still no." I said, anger slowly pulsating through my body just by looking at this guy.

"What?! But - !" Jacob started, but he got cut off by me, the bracelet starting glow a light red.

"You know EXACTLY why I won't go out with you. Have you forgotten that you offended me over my chest size?! I guess not, since you still have the odacity to say that you have a crush on me. TWICE, might I add." I explained, remembering what happened in the span of 2-3 months.

He was speechless for a few moments before speaking up again.

"Well... N-Now I wanna make it up to you. I've changed, Courts. Besides, no-one else is willing to go out with you anyway." The boy stutters, smirking a little bit at the end.

A pang of sadness seeped through my chest and I just snapped right there.

No, literally. I freaking snapped.

So much so that I punched Jacob in the stomach, throwing a red ball with a turtle fist symbol inside it that formed from my bracelet and threw it at him, causing an electric shock throughout his body before finally kicking him where "the sun don't shine" for good measure, the bracelet now practically glowing red out of pure rage as he collapses to the ground, groaning in pain.

"How could you say such a thing?! Just because no boy here wants to go out with me doesn't mean I won't find love anywhere else, you nasty piece of work!" I yelled, tears stinging in my eyes.

He just looks down at the ground, not having anything else to say.

"Besides; with an attitude like yours, w-who'd ever want to be with you anyways?" I countered as I began my short journey back to the lair, my mood now officially ruined.

'Oh, how am I going to tell the guys about this..?'

*Time skip...*

~Raph's P.O.V.~

'That's odd. Courtney's usually back earlier than this. I wonder what's keepin' 'er...'

She told us that she went up top to get some fresh air and somethin' to eat.

I don't blame 'er to be honest. It can get pretty boring down here, sometimes. Especially with no bad guy's butts to kick.

'So what's takin' the girl so freakin' long?'

As soon as I thought that, a quiet pair of footsteps entered our home, meaning Courts came back from the surface.

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