Special Chapter- Video Game Time!

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Quick A/N: Hey, guys! Before we get onto a suggested episode in Chapter 6, I'd like to have some special chapters in this book for every 5 chapters or so. Y'know, to make things more fun.

I hope you can understand that. See you later! :) 
~3rd Person P.O.V.~
It was a Sunday afternoon, and the turtles have a day off from training for the rest of the week. And Courtney thought it would be nice for her to treat them onto playing an awesome video game marathon. 

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Courtney asks them cheerfully. 

Leo looks up from the TV and smiles. 
"Hey, Courtney. Nothing much, really. Why?" Leo responds with curiosity.

Courtney just leans against the arcade machine with a playful smirk.

"Well, I was thinking that we could have a video game marathon. Y'know, since you guys look bored out of your freaking minds right now." Courtney replies smugly whilst gesturing to a groaning Mikey on the floor.

Raph looks up from his comic book with a challenging smirk.

"What kinda game d'ya have in mind?" Raph asks.

Courtney's smirk just widens.

*Time skip.*

"Aw man, 3 against 2?! That is so unfair!" Mikey complains. 
Courtney had just explained to the turtles the teams that they were all going in.

It's herself, Raph and Donnie on one, and Leo and Mikey on the other.
"Don't worry, Mikey. You've been through far worse than this. It's not that big of a deal," Donnie says with a smug smile on his face.
"Oh, snap!" Courtney shouts out and fists pumps Raph.

Raph fists pumps Courtney back.
"Now, enough talk! Let's get this game started!"

"All right!" Mikey shouted excitedly. 

*Another time skip.*

"On your left, Leo!" 

"Thanks, Mikey!"

"Dang it! I missed." 

Both teams were neck and neck on Super Smash Brothers. They had 19 points each, and the first team to get to 20 gets to have the loser's pizza for 2 whole weeks. Pretty sick, right?

"C'mon, boys! We can't let them win this!" Courtney shouted to Raph and Donnie. 

"We're trying!" Donnie replied back.

"Oh, yeah boy! We're kicking your shells! We got this in da bag, Leo!" Mikey said victoriously. 

"That's what you think, Dr. Prankenstien!" Courtney retorted.
"Huh?" Leo and Mikey said, confused.
Courtney and Donnie nod to Raph with playful smirks on their faces. 

"Take THIS!" Raph uses his character's special move, knocking Leo and Mikey's characters out of the arena, leaving Raph, Donnie and Courtney as the overall winners.

"WHAT?!" Leo and Mikey exclaimed.

"YES! WE WON! HIGH THREE!" Donnie shouted and they all high three each other.

"Now that is what I call, teamwork," Raph replies with is famous smirk plastered onto his face.

Courtney looks down at the two losers with a raised eyebrow.

"Looks like you guys owe us some pizza for the next two weeks," Courtney pointed out. 

"Yeah, yeah. You got lucky this time, dudette!" Mikey said.

"Yeah." Leo agreeing with Mikey's statement.

"Whatever you say, little brother." Raph replied with an amused smirk plastered onto his face.

Leo yawns. 

"Welp, I'm hitting the sack. Goodnight, everyone." Leo says sleepily as retreats back to his room.

"Goodnight." And pretty soon everyone, except Raph and Courtney, go into their rooms for some well deserved rest.

Courtney then looks at Raph with an raised eyebrow as her arms were crossed on her chest.

"You do realise that we're gonna get a huge lecture from Master Splinter in the morning about this, right?" She also has an amused smile on her face. 

Raph looks back at the girl.

"Yup." He simply stated.

"Do you even care?" Courtney asked, her playful smile on her face still growing.

Raph just smirks back in amusement. 



Hope you guys enjoyed this special chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I know I should've mentioned this in the previous chapter, but hey! Expect the unexpected, am I right? ;)

See you guys soon for an episode suggestion in Chapter 6. Bye! ^-^

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