let me teach you #4

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Ryes POV

we were walking back to my house, together. yes I was taking andy to my house, to practice on the trampolines obviously....

I was deep in my thoughts about how im going to teach him how to flip, until I felt a hand brush against mine. I looked down at andy and he was already staring at me, I smiled. "s-sorry" he stuttered and looked down. "dont be sorry" I replied and picked up his hand in mine, not caring about anyone else around us, I intertwined our fingers and continued walking.

after about 6 minutes more of walking, we stopped outside my house, I had to let go of Andy's small hand to get my keys out. I opened the door and let him go in first. "ladies first" I joked, when he was already in.
he play punched my chest and I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. "uhm, rye?" he questioned. "u-uh yeah sorry, I was cold and you were warm so" I lied. I let go and started to walk off to the kitchen until he pulled me back and hugged me even tighter. "alright then" I laughed. his arms were wrapped around my neck and his head was buried in my chest, and god he was warm. after about 2 minutes of just standing there I pulled away and grabbed his hand, dragging him to the kitchen. "right, do you want anything to drink or eat?" I asked. "uuh no thank you" he smiled.

"lets get this started then" I smirked, dragging him once again to the back door.

Andys POV

today was going quite well, we had hugged and held hands, which I was happy about. not going to lie, I was falling for Rye, and hard. I hope he feels the same way, probably not, but if he didn't, why would he hold my hand???

once we were outside, I saw the trampolines and instantly got nerves creeping up into my stomach, what if I fail? what if I make a fool of myself infront of rye? "right so, im going to help you, if you fail, dont worry about it, you will get there eventually" he said, trying to ensure me, probably realising I was nervous. I swear he could read me like like an open book.

we took our shoes off and stood on the trampoline. "right so, im going to show you how its done, then you try, ill be there to hold you" he said. "okay, ill try" I replied.

he started bouncing and he finally flipped backwards. he made it look easy, but I bet it was difficult. "ok your turn" he said happily. I stepped forward and started bouncing, he then placed one of his hands on my higher back, and the other on the back of my thigh, which kinda turned me on as it was so close to my ass...
but that was only for support and extra force when I was flipping I guess. I started bouncing higher and eventually tried flipping backwards, I landed on my feet but then bounced back onto my bum.

"wow that was actually really good for a first one, when I first tried, I landed on my head" he exclaimed. we both started laughing at his comment whilst bouncing on the trampoline.

after another 2 hours of trying to flip, and landing about 3 without help that I was proud of, it was pretty dark. we were both so tired. "you did really well today, I thought you were gonna break your neck or something" he smirked cheekily. "hey dont doubt me" I said whilst pushing him and laughing. after a while it was a full on play fight on the trampoline, soon enough we were both laying down on top of eachother trying to pin eachother down, until Rye was on top of me and had pinned my hands up behind my head. he was looking into my eyes and I was looking into his, both blushing like mad. I caught his eyes moving down to my lips? did he want to kiss me? like im not complaining but? he kept doing it, and I copied, looking down at his. after a while I had had enough, I pulled his neck down and connected our lips, with my hands roaming through his hair and his hands cupping my cheeks. it was a slow passionate his that lasted about 1 minute, but of course being humans, we need air, so we had to part. we were laying down next to eachother now, looking into eachothers eyes until his eyes started closing, I moved closer to him and cuddles into him, also closing my eyes.

after a few minutes, we were both fast asleep on the trampoline. and that my friend, was the best night of my life. and I can admit, I am in love with Ryan Beaumont.

randy kissed guysss :)
it was a bit fast, but who cares? not them.
make sure u vote and comment what you thinkk xx

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