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Caleb looked out over the capital skyline. The sun was just starting to fall over the horizon, and the citizens were starting to line the streets. Guards were already doing their best to control the crowds and keep them off the streets as much as they could. So far, everything was going as planned for the parade.

He had never been to a parade before, although he knew what they were. Ahsoka has said that they were a type of celebration and a way to show off to the civilians the best parts about the government. There would be decorative floats and music, and, most of the time, a lot of cheering. Caleb was excited, but he was also nervous, which canceled it out to some extent.

As he was already in position for the night, he could see most of the street that was going to be used for the festivities. He had already figured out where the emergency buildings were. If something went wrong, he knew exactly what he was supposed to do. That didn't mean he wasn't scared that he would mess up.

He had resisted the urge to contact Ahsoka on his comlink for almost two hours now. The party had only started an hour ago, but she had said that it was best for him to get out here early so he would get used to being alone on a mission. Ahsoka was in the Renaissance Center, a building not far from the government halls. Sometimes she came out into the roof to look out for anyone who would be trying to hurt the representatives or their guests, but Caleb could only see her if he squinted, and she always went back inside after a few minutes.

It's probably better that way, Caleb thought. He needed to focus on the parade. It would start any minute now, and he needed to protect the citizens. From what, Caleb didn't really know, but that wasn't important.

Turning to his left, he saw the float actors and the band that would be playing. They had stopped walking around and were organizing themselves into rows and on the floats. Caleb leaped from his building to get closer. He couldn't really tell who was who, but no one looked suspicious and no one felt like they were going to cause trouble.

The band, which was in front of all of the floats, stiffened up at the sound of a whistle. They held their instruments up and didn't move, and the man in the front, who was holding a white stick, started waving it and blowing his whistle at the same time. The band started marching in sync and began to move forward. They starting playing seconds after. The parade was starting.

Finally, Caleb had a reason to call Ahsoka. He activated his comlink and spoke into it as Ahsoka had shown him. "Ahsoka, come in."

It's so cool, thought Caleb, finally getting to use one of these things.

"I hear you, Caleb. How does it look out there?"

"The parade is starting. Can you hear the music from where you are?"

"I probably would be able to if I was outside. This party is really loud, between the people and the entertainment."

"I just figured I would let you know."

"Thanks, Caleb. Remember, stay focused out there, but enjoy yourself. It's a parade, after all."

"Thanks, Ahsoka," he responded with a smile. "Have fun at your party!"

"I will," laughed Ahsoka.

Caleb looked back up at the band, who had started down the street, followed by the floats. Time for the fun to begin.


Ahsoka lowered her wrist as she looked around again at the party. Nothing had changed in the thirty seconds she had talked to Caleb, but one could never be too careful.

The party was one of the most extravagant she had ever attended. All of the representatives and their guests were dressed in their most elegant clothing, and many of them had other accessories that were no less fancy than their clothes. The small orchestra played music that wasn't really fit for dancing, but more as background noise, which wasn't ideal for Ahsoka. It was a distraction, albeit a lovely one. Even the food looked pristine, which was a bit odd to Ahsoka. Why did food need to look good? Wasn't it going to be eaten anyway?

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