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Anakin scrambled to his feet, desperate to find his troopers before some evil trap ensnared them. He didn't know who the girl was, exactly, but no one messed with his men. No one. He would get her some other time. She was just going to have to get away today.

He burst through the door that the clones had gone through, and he followed the mess of severed and damaged battle droid parts down the abandoned halls, into the center of the building. He activated his lightsaber and raised it, expecting a fight, but when he ran into the lobby Obi-Wan, the 212th troopers and the 501st troopers were all standing around, waiting for him.

As it turns out, nothing had happened to his troopers. All of them had made it through the battle.

"Where have you been?" Obi-Wan asked, relaxing and crossing his arms. "Most of the fight is already over."

"Is everyone okay?" Anakin asked, slowing to a stop by his troops.

Rex did a headcount. "Everyone is here and accounted for, sir."

"I ran into someone, I'll tell you about it later," Anakin said, changing the subject. "Have you already swept through the building?"

"We were about to split up without you." Obi-Wan leaned in close to his apprentice. "Where you with that Dark presence I felt earlier?"

"Long story," Anakin said, not wanting to talk about it. "Watch for traps during the sweep."

He ran off, and his troopers followed him down a hall. Obi-Wan looked after him, somewhat confused, but he took the 212th down a separate hall all the same. He would talk to Anakin later.

The sweep of the Judicial Building was quickly conducted. No more droids were found, save in the newly set up command room. Anakin and his troops wiped them out and placed the bombs without suffering any casualties. Obi-Wan did the same to a storage room, and before long, both Jedi and their troops were back on the cruiser, flying back to Coruscant. All without losing a single clone.

Once the victory was reported, Anakin walked back into the war room, which was now deserted. He activated the HoloNet console and opened the site that listed all Separatist alliances and leaders. He opened the search bar and typed in 'inquisitor'.

Search unsuccessful.

Maybe there's a weird spelling.

Anakin tried every combination of letters he could think of to spell 'inquisitor'. He even tried some very silly ones, such as 'enkwisitour'. Still nothing. This new Force-user was, as far as the Republic knew, nonexistent.

He cleared the search bar again, giving up trying to find her via the HoloNet. He turned away, then opened the intergalactic search engine. Maybe someone outside the Republic had seen her.


Multiple tabs came up this time, but none of them seemed to line up with the girl he had fought in the tunnels. Anakin didn't try odd spellings this time. Instead, he rubbed his temple, cleared the search bar, and tried something new.

'Red and black togruta'.

A tab came up, offering to take him to a catalog of all red and black Togruta photos on the HoloNet. It was the first hit he had had, so he clicked it and gave it a shot.

Many pictures came up, but none that looked like the Inquisitor. It was a dead end. There was any real proof of her existence. Yet. As Anakin closed the search engine and turned off the console, he became sure that they would be seeing each other again, most likely sooner than later.

Obi-Wan walked in just then. As the door sealed behind him, he leaned against the hologram table projector and looked at his apprentice. "So who's your new friend?"

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