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The voices seemed to be coming from all around him, but he couldn't see the source. He couldn't even tell whose voice it was. All he could see was black.

He was on top of the Temple looking out over Coruscant. Not Coruscant as he knew it, but lifeless and silent. No ships were flying by, no civilians were walking down the streets. The lights of the city were all on, but Anakin suspected he was the only living thing on the planet.

"What do you want to see?" A voice above him spoke. It took a moment, but Anakin thought he knew who he was hearing, now.

"The Father?" He asked. "Where are you?"

"I am not in a place you know. What do you want to see?"

I want to see Ahsoka, he thought, but the Father's voice interrupted him. "Choose wisely, I may not be able to give you this chance again."

Anakin contemplated his choices. This might be the first and only time he could see Ahsoka, but he might also get an edge on the Sith as well if he asked to.

What do I need to know? He thought, and he drew breath. Ahsoka would be okay, but the Chancellor was in danger. He had to see what lay in store for him.

"Do not seek to protect your Chancellor," the Father warned. "There are others who need protecting."

Anakin was getting a little frustrated. What was he supposed to ask to see?

"What will my biggest challenge be, in the next two months? What is the biggest danger I will face?" That was a good question. At least now, he would be ready for it.

Anakin blinked, and he was in the Chancellor's office. He wasn't standing in the middle of it, though, instead he was sitting, leaning against a wall next to the Chancellor. The Inquisitor was standing above them, holding one end of her lightsaber in front of them, trapping them. Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda were all at the door, preparing to face down Count Dooku in a lightsaber duel. The funny thing was, no one was moving. Everyone was frozen still except for Anakin.

"This day is coming, Anakin Skywalker, but I cannot tell you when." The Father's voice echoed around the spacious office. "You do not have long. Learn what you can about this danger while you can."

Anakin limboed under the Inquisitor's lightsaber and stood up, facing her to begin with. He studied her expression, and when he looked into her eyes, he saw that they were hard, cold, but deeper in them, he saw a hint, just a hint of fear. What was she afraid of?

He moved on, afraid that his time was running out. He turned to the Chancellor next, expecting him to be a bit scared, although trying to fight it off. That's not what he saw, though. Palpatine's face was just barely failing to hold off a grin. He was looking at Dooku, smiling in a kind of twisted way. It must be because the other Jedi have arrived to help.

Speaking of, Anakin stepped next to Dooku, not expecting his face to be so full of fury. Doubtless, because his plans to kill the Chancellor had been interrupted. He was probably dealing with the Jedi Masters while the Sister watched Anakin and Palpatine. He had every right to be furious.

Anakin wasn't very interested in the Jedi. They were stressed, startled, and preparing to fight. That wasn't news to Anakin, given the circumstances before him.

He turned back to the Inquisitor, who was still holding the Chancellor hostage. The Father said this was my greatest danger to come, he thought. Is she going to kill me?

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