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Author's Note: I think this part might actually be before 4.1, but the timeline confuses me, so it's 4.2. This is a slight change to the events that take place in the Mortis Arc in Season 4. Also, I wanted to write it. Enjoy!

Anakin and Obi-Wan took turns dueling the Dark Togruta. Anakin used the Force to push her away, before turning to his master and asking in a frustrated voice, "Any suggestions?"

"Yes," He said, pulling the blade from his belt and brandishing it. "We cut her free!"

"What is that?" questioned Anakin, and Ahsoka stood up.

"It can kill the Son," answered Obi-Wan, but Ahsoka growled behind them. Her voice was accompanied by another, the Son's.

"Where did you get that?" She, or they, asked furiously. When neither Jedi responded, she commanded them to "Give it to me!"

She lunged at the blade, but Anakin used the Force to catch her mid-jump and pulled her lightsabers from her grasp. Ahsoka struggled in the air, but Anakin held her steady, doing his best to keep her still without hurting her.

"Just hang on, Ahsoka," he whispered. "We've almost got you."

Obi-Wan approached the squirming Togruta and held the blade gingerly to her arm. It sliced the flesh of her shoulder, and they screamed, and Anakin was so startled he almost let them drop. The Son/Ahsoka yelled up to the sky, and a dark fluid came streaming out of her mouth, her eyes, everywhere it could. It flew up into the night, and Ahsoka went limp.

Anakin rested her on the ground, gently, and examined the cut on her arm. It was only skin deep and would heal in no time, and her skin was already beginning to brighten. She sat up slowly, and Anakin supported her. When Ahsoka's eyes opened, they were their normal blue.

They didn't have time to celebrate though because the window of the building next to them shattered, and the Daughter and the Son flew out from it. The three Jedi huddled together to shield each other from the flying glass, and the Father hovered gently in front of them all before setting down on the ground.

When the Son looked up and saw his Father, he smiled. "So glad you could make it to our little party, Father!" he taunted, standing up. He sent a blast of his red Sith lightning towards the old deity, who caught it with both of his hands.

"You must stop this!" he insisted, but his Son only doubled his efforts.

"You are too weak for me, old man!" He threatened menacingly. Behind him, Obi-Wan rushed to help the Daughter stand. Whatever was about to happen, they were going to need her. Anakin chose to stay by Ahsoka. She was still on the ground and hadn't quite comprehended all that was happening. The Son continued.

"You mean nothing to me anymore." He pushed harder, and the Father and the Son stood there for a moment, fighting each other. In the end, the power was too much for the Father and he flew backward.

The Son, stepping to stand above the fallen, electrocuted him where he lay. Obi-Wan, desperate, called out to his apprentice.

"Anakin, now!" He tossed the blade to him in the air, and Anakin ran out to catch it. It was not a foot from his grasp when it hovered in the air for a second, before rushing to the Son, who pulled it to him with the Force. He let his Father lie, weak, while he addressed the others.

"Everything has transpired exactly as I planned," he declared, before eyeing Ahsoka on the ground. "Well, almost exactly." Anakin and Obi-Wan could only watch as he held the blade in his hands.

The Father, regaining some of his strength, stood up and spoke in a low, horrified voice. "You showed them the alter?" He asked his Daughter fearfully.

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