7.10.3 (Sister)

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As requested by Alannalim01

The Sister didn't normally like drunks, but some of them, the occasional incident, would be so hilarious, she couldn't help but laugh.

The Jedi took a while to get over himself, but he did eventually. "Where'd you find that?" He asked, still half laughing.

"On a shelf, back there," she pointed a thumb over her shoulder. "I didn't think you needed help, but I couldn't resist the opportunity."

He nodded, composing himself. "At least now we don't have to worry about him. We can find those holocrons and get out of here."

"Right." Always focuses on the mission. "Back to work."

"Feel around for your holocrons," he said, starting to look around. "See if you can find them."

Sure, why not? Let's play hide and seek with inanimate objects. She reached out into the Force and searched for...well, passion. The holocrons pulled her to them, offering her whatever she wanted. That was the appeal of the Dark side of the Force. It gave you what you desired, or a means to get it. For the Sister, it wasn't hard to find.

"Find them yet?" Skywalker asked, feeling around on the floor.

"Yep. Down in the basement, somewhere." She walked into the other room, the one she had come in from, and she started searching for a door on the ground.

The taser wasn't the only thing she had seen on the shelves. This guy was either a collector, or running some kind of black market for electrics and weapons. All sorts of scanners, blasters, trackers, computers, projectors and even just random pieces were cluttering the shelves, counters, and even the floor. The Sister had to watch her step to make sure she wasn't accidentally smashing a rogue spark plug.

She didn't see a trap door, but her gaze did sweep over the counters, looking for hints of other traps she had missed earlier while Killian was threatening Skywalker. A scanner was tipped on its side, and the Inquisitor picked it up. Might be useful, she thought, and she turned it on.

She held it in front of her, watching the screen as it came to life. When she activated the program, it showed the room she was in, but with infrared lighting instead of visible. She angled it at the dim lightbulb hanging over her head. It was a soft orange. If it could pick up the heat from the light, maybe it could help scan for more traps, like the one on the door.

"Hey, you dead yet?" Came from the other room. Skywalker must have found something.

"Not yet," she replied, "but I found an infrared scanner. You think Killian would mind if we borrowed it to steal our holocrons back?" She walked into the front room again, and Skywalker was fingering the floor beneath him.

"Probably," he guessed, and he looked back at the snoring drunk. "I found our way in. Bring it over here."

The Sister kneeled by Skywalker, examining the door with her eyes before checking the scanner. It was well hidden, but it didn't look armed. She held up the scanner and studied the heat coming from it.

"The door isn't armed," she reported, "but there might be another shock mat at the bottom. I can't tell until we open the door."

Skywalker turned back to the floor. "Well, good news is that it won't set off an alarm, and even if it did, no one would hear it from all the way out here. Nothing should explode, either, since he probably is hiding more than holocrons down here. Whatever traps he must be setting probably either require contact or proximity." He opened it. "What do you have?"

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