If we even get here I'll be surprised, Chapter 5

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Maria is mad at Martin. - M

(And rightfully so) -C


"I'm not talking to you."

"But you said you weren't mad!"

"It amuses me to see you suffer."

"What makes you think that you giving me the silent treatment will make me suffer?"

"Your entire face screams 'I am suffering.'"

"I'm not screaming anything."

"I never said you were, I only said your face."

"Well, are you going to stay 'silent' forever?"

"What do you mean by 'silent', with the air quotes?"

"I mean that you are clearly talking and that this 'silence' is just you trying to be a moody, badass teenager."

"Screw you, Martin."

"I'm a bitch, you said so yourself."

"Yeah, so?"

"So I'm only being true to myself here. It's who I am, Maria. ACCEPT ME."

"Maybe. But only if you say the magic word."


"No, it's a different word."

"Pretty please?"

"I said different word, dingus."


"I'm not forgiving you."

MARIA JUANAWhere stories live. Discover now