Is this halfway? I honestly forgot, but this is Chapter 12

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Dustin isn't about that Italiano life. - M

it just wasn't it for him, chief - C

"Ugh, ciao Nonno-"

"Who is Nonno? Is this Alberto?"

"Oh- uh yeah this is Alberto. Nonno is just my, um, cousin. Italians have really crazy names sometimes."

"True, once I knew someone called Cosmo and apparently it was Italian. Anyways, I'm just here to ask a few questions about whatever happened the other day. The whole school is saying that Maria had you and some other guy over at her house and you got arrested. Could you elaborate?"

"Oh God. Even the valedictorian has heard by now. Uh, this is Dustin, right?"


"Okay, so the whole saga started when Maria invited us other to her house because she wanted to play Just Dance but you were busy at work. Martin decided that it would be a really ultra cool and responsible idea to buy weed from some guy who lived at his druggie aunt's mobile home park. Needless to say, that was a really awful idea. I told him that we shouldn't smoke it because 1: That shit smelled like my childhood and 2: drugs just aren't a good idea in high school when you are trying to get into college. But nooooo, we were going to be cool. So Maria just laughed at us and played Just Dance to Monster Mash while Martin pretended to be high because he thought that it was just not working for him and the entire place stank like the pizzeria by the movie theater. Her parents noticed that there was smoke coming from the living room and thought that the house was on fire so they called the police and when they arrived and found out that Martin was smoking 'weed', they arrested us both and sent us to jail for the next 6 hours. Maria's dad threatened to sue us for defamation of his daughter, but luckily, he calmed down a bit by the time we were let out. Does that sum it up all nicely for you?"

"I- yes. That is a really interesting story. I'm going to call Maria now. Thanks, Aladdin."

"Bro my name is Alberto what the fu-"

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